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Showing posts from August, 2014

Akhtari Moon Sighting controversy

Akhtari Moon Sighting controversy In order to prove itself ‘special’ the Akhtari cult is often found to be crossing the limits set up by shariah. They claim to follow “Maslak e Ala Hazrat” but no Akhtari can give a final definition of “Maslak e Ala Hazrat”. In this regard they are very much like the present day “Ahlu hadith” sect whose members shy away from defining “ahlul hadith”. Yet another similarity between ‘Akhtari cult’ and ‘ahlul hadith cult’ is that they both consider themselves alone to be correct, even in the matters of Jurisprudence! In the last few years the members of the Akhtari cult have created a lot of confusion among the Sunni masses with regard to moon sighting for the holy month of Ramadan as well as Eid al fitr. 2012 Akhtari Moon Sighting controversy In the year 2012, during the month of Ramadan Molvi Zia al Mustafa Ridawi went to a remote coastal town of Karnataka, which is a Southern Indian state. In this coastal town a local mureed of Molvi Zia al M...

A Blind or a Deaf can not become a Qadi / Judge in Islam

A Blind or a Deaf can not become a Qadi / Judge in Islam It is written in Radd al Muhtar and Bahar e Shariat that a blind or a deaf cannot become a Qadi / Judge . If a Qadi becomes blind after taking over the post of Qadi then, he is considered dismissed and unfit to hold the post of Qadi. In sha Allah, we will soon update our brothers about the Eid moon sighting blunder committed by Mufti Akhtar Raza Khan Azhari Ridawi and his followers in India for this year, that is 1435 AH / 2014 CE  सच्चे और झूठे  मोलविओं  में फ़र्क़ सच्चे और झूठे मोलविओं में फ़र्क़ पता करने का एक आसान तरीका। किसी भी  मोलवी से पूछें  की क्या अँधा और बहरा  शख्स  क़ाज़ी- उल- कुजात  हो सकता है?  अगर, वो  मोलवी जवाब  में "नहीं"  कहे  तो समझ  लें वो सच्चा और सही  मौलाना है है क्यूंकि   फ़िक़्ह  की  मशहूर  किताब  "बहार ए  शरीअत " में यही लिखा है।  लेकिन अगर कोइ  मोलवी जवाब  में " हाँ " कहे...