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Akhtari Moon Sighting controversy

Akhtari Moon Sighting controversy

In order to prove itself ‘special’ the Akhtari cult is often found to be crossing the limits set up by shariah. They claim to follow “Maslak e Ala Hazrat” but no Akhtari can give a final definition of “Maslak e Ala Hazrat”. In this regard they are very much like the present day “Ahlu hadith” sect whose members shy away from defining “ahlul hadith”. Yet another similarity between ‘Akhtari cult’ and ‘ahlul hadith cult’ is that they both consider themselves alone to be correct, even in the matters of Jurisprudence! In the last few years the members of the Akhtari cult have created a lot of confusion among the Sunni masses with regard to moon sighting for the holy month of Ramadan as well as Eid al fitr.

2012 Akhtari Moon Sighting controversy

In the year 2012, during the month of Ramadan Molvi Zia al Mustafa Ridawi went to a remote coastal town of Karnataka, which is a Southern Indian state. In this coastal town a local mureed of Molvi Zia al Mustafa Ridawi informed him that the Moon for the beginning of the month of Ramadan was sighted one day earlier when compared to the rest of the India and that is why they had started fasting one day earlier than the rest of the Muslims of India. After listening to this narration, Molvi Zia al Mustafa came to the city of Mumbai and informed the whole incidence to Mufti Mahmood Akhtar, who is the Qadi of the city of Mumbai. It should be known that Mufti Mahmood Akhtar leads the five daily prayers on microphone at the Haji Ali Masjid in Mumbai and is a close relative of Molvi Zia al Mustafa. As per Mufti Akhtar Raza Khan Ridawi Azhari, the founder of the Akhtari cult, Salaah on microphone is invalid.

Mufti Mahmood Akhtar and Molvi Zia al Mustafa decided that after Eid al fitr the Muslims of India will have to fast one more day to full fill one missed fast. Mufti Mahmood Akhtar who is a member of Mumbai Hilal (Moon) committee held a secret meeting with a few other committee members and discussed this matter. Most members objected to this decision stating that this testimony of Molvi Zia al Mustafa is not as per shariah and hence it cannot be accepted. Mufti Mahmood Akhtar and Molvi Zia al Mustafa went against the committee members and released this news in an English Newspaper to see the reaction the people. They were cunning enough to not to release the news in any Urdu Newspaper because the mass Muslim population reads Urdu. The Muslims who read English newspaper informed this news to the other Muslims. Now the whole city was under confusion. Most Sunni scholars did not accept this testimony of Molvi Zia al Mustafa because of lack of Shariah requirements for any Moon sighting testimony. The whole drama was created on 14th August 2012, just six or seven days before Eid al Fitr of 2012. When Mufti Mahmood Akhtar and Molvi Zia al Mustafa saw that the vast majority of the Sunni scholars and Sunni population are not accepting this wrong ruling by the duo, they went quiet and didn’t issue any notification in any Urdu newspaper. Mufti Mahmood Akhtar failed in his duty as a Qadi, because ideally he should have made the announcement on the microphone of the Masjid or issued a notice and then pasted it on his Dar al Qada notice board or issued the announcement in an Urdu newspaper. Molvi Zia al Mustafa, the real cause of this trouble (fitna) quietly left Mumbai and came to his native town of Ghosi. What happened next is quite interesting. Molvi Zia al Mustafa runs a madarsa for females in the small North Indian town of Ghosi. The local Muslims consider him as a fitna maker due to his dirty politics among Scholars. He takes pride on the name of his father, who was a great scholar of Ahlus Sunnah. After returning to Ghosi, Molvi Zia al Mustafa didn’t make any announcement of the “missed fast” in his city! It was only in Mumbai that he played his dirty trick! Why was Mumbai chosen for this purpose? One must know that Mumbai is the financial capital of India. It has a huge Muslim population and many Muslims are financially very sound. It is one of the major centers of Ahlus Sunnah. The Akhtari cult has always focused on collecting money from Sunni Muslims. In order to prove their supremacy and “piousness” the Akhtari cult selects Mumbai city so that Sunni Muslims can be fooled to give away their money. A few months back in an Akhtari cult gathering at Mumbai Molvi Hussaini Nagpuri Ridawi said publicly that giving donations to Al Jamiat al Ashrafiya (The Top Sunni Madarsa in India) is haram (forbidden). Molvi Zia al Mustafa was sitting on the stage and kept silent because he has hatred towards this leading Sunni madarsa.

The 2012 Akhtari Moon Sighting controversy was published briefly here

2014 Akhtari Moon Sighting controversy

Before we discuss the Akhtari Moon Sighting controversy for the year 2014, one must know that Mufti Akhtar Raza Khan Azhari Ridawi, the founder of the Akhtari cult is the real man behind creating divisions among Ahlus Sunnah in India. In past his family members have been MLC (Member of Legislative Assembly) from Congress party and at present many of his relatives are active in Politics and often fight to get “red light” car from political parties. We have discussed this briefly before and in sha Allah will take this matter in detail later.

About Mufti Akhtar Raza Azhari Ridawi

Akhtar Raza Azhari Ridawi is suffering from Albinism since birth. Albinism is a skin disease in which a person does not have skin pigmentation. Due to this skin disease, Akhtar Raza Khan Azhari Ridawi appears “white” and his followers call him “ sabih e gawth al azam” ( The one resembling al Gawth al Azam)!! The Akhtari cult members do not give respect to the real saadaat (the descendants of the Prophet, peace be upon him) but want everyone to give respect to their cult leader. The Akhtari cult also calls Mufti Akhtar Raza Khan Azhari Ridawi as “Qadi al Qaudat fil India” (The Chief Islamic Judge of India). Due to Albinism Mufti Akhtar Raza Khan Azhari Ridawi has lost his complete eye sight and cannot hear properly unless spoken in loud voice or on microphone. It is stated in Bahar e Shariat that such a man cannot become a Qadi, lest Qadi al Qudat! We have discussed this matter here

Mufti Akhtar Raza Khan Azhari Ridawi’s regular trip for Umrah

Mufti Akhtar Raza Azhari Ridawi has close connections with those tour operators who take Muslims for Hajj and Umrah. Many tour operators have business promotion and marketing schemes in which a person who gets 20 candidates for Umrah visit will get a free ticket for himself to Umrah. These tour operators in collaboration with Mufti Akhtar Raza Azhari Ridawi take many Muslims for Umrah and as a result Mufti Akhtar Raza Azhari Ridawi and his close assistants get free ticket many times a year for Umrah. In the past many years Mufti Akhtar Raza Azhari Ridawi has been going for Umrah many times a year but the most important thing to recall is that he has been on regular Umrah visit during the month of Ramadan in the past many years.

Mufti Akhtar Raza Azhari Ridawi’s Umrah trip in Ramadan in the year 2014 (1435 Hijri)

In India the month of Shaban 1435, was of 30 days and finished on 29 June 2014 and the month of Ramadan began on 30 June 2014. Like every year, this year too, Mufti Akhtar Raza Azhari Ridawi went for Umrah in the month of Ramadan. After performing Umrah Mufti Akhtar Raza Azhari Ridawi came to Mumbai and informed his followers that on 14 July 2014 during his stay at the city of Madina al-Munawwara, a man named Muhammad Taufeeq Umar from Mali (in Africa) informed him that the month of Ramadan had begun in his country one day before (that is on 29 June 2014) as Moon was sighted one day before when compared to India. Mufti Akhtar Raza Azhari Ridawi told his followers that they all have missed one fast of Ramadan and they all have to full fill this missed fast after Eid al Fitr. The followers of Mufti Akhtar Raza Azhari Ridawi spread this news on face book and Whats App! In Bareilly, this news was released on the letter pad of ‘Markazi Dar al Ifta ’, which was pasted on the walls of Dar al Ifta office. Readers can see this letter pad, with the stamp of Mufti Akhtar Raza Azhari, “Qadi al Qudat fil Hind” pasted on the walls, in the image below.

The Akhtari cult released this news through newspaper as well. The announcement was published in the Hindi newspaper ‘Dainik Jagran’, dated 26 July 2014, page 7, Bareilly Edition. The news can be read here

When the Muslim population became confused due to this announcement by the Akhtari cult, they went to the senior scholars of Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamah. The senior scholars of Ahlus Sunnah said that this testimony of Mufti Akhtar Raza Azhari Ridawi is not valid because a Qadi (Islamic Judge) is appointed for a stipulated time and a marked region. When the Qadi goes outside his region, he becomes a normal Muslim citizen and no longer remains a Qadi. They also said that Mufti Akhtar Raza Azhari Ridawi has not fulfilled the conditions of a valid witness in Moon sighting.

From Qadi al-Qudat fil- Hind to Qadi al-Qudat fil- ‘Aalam

In Mumbai, ‘Sufi’ Kaleem Ridawi, who is an important spokesperson of the Akhtari cult, was unable to answer as to how can Mufti Akhtar Raza Azhari Ridawi ,Qadi al-Qudat fil- Hind’ (Chief Islamic Judge of India) remain a Qadi ( Judge) even after going outside India. Kaleem Ridawi replied through Whats App (mobile phone chat application) and went on to say that Mufti Akhtar Raza Azhari Ridawi is ‘Qadi al Qudat fil ‘Aalam’ (The Chief Justice of the entire world)!! Readers may recall that Imam Ahmad Raza Khan (Rh) appointed his students as “Qadi of Hind’ (Islamic Judge of India) but Kaleem Ridawi has elevated Mufti Akhtar Raza Azhari Ridawi to the post of ‘Qadi al Qudat fil ‘Aalam’!! We hope the Akhtari cult will not elevate their leader to the post of ‘Qadi al Qudat fil ‘Aalameen’. Kaleem Ridawi can be heard here

The Modified announcement

After Akhtari cult realized that they have committed a blunder, they went on to rectify their mistake. The cult released their second announcement, again on the letter pad of ‘Markazi Dar al Ifta, Bareilly’. The announcement said that only the Muslims of Bareilly city and its adjoining area need to fulfill the missed fast. This time the letter pad had the names of Mufti Akhtar Raza Azhari Ridawi as well as his son Asjad Raza Ridawi. The modified announcement was made to make it appear that since Mufti Akhtar Raza Azhari Ridawi is the Qadi (Judge) of the city of Bareilly, so his testimony will be valid for the city of Bareilly and its adjoining areas. This change was made after senior scholars of Ahlus sunnah pointed that a Qadi (Judge) does not remain a Judge when he leaves his territory. The second announcement can be seen here.

Now with the second announcement the Akhtari cult members were confused! They didn’t know whether cult members who do not live in Bareilly need to fast one extra day after Eid al-Fitr, in order to fulfill the missed fast or not? As mentioned above, the Akhtari cult wants to spread its influence in the city of Mumbai. But the second announcement made it clear that only the cult members from Bareilly need to fast an extra day. Akhtari cult realized that by this announcement they will lose their influence on the cult members from Mumbai, so they devised a plan. Mufti Mahmood Akhtar Ridawi again used his political mind. Through his disciples (mureeds), Mahmood Akhtar spread the news thorough mobile messages stating that since Mufti Akhtar Raza Azhari Ridawi came directly to Mumbai from Madina al Munawwara and shared the moon sighting news with him, now he has become a witness too. So based on the concept of ‘witness upon witness’ (shahaadat al shahaadat), now he being the Qadi of Mumbai, announces that Akhtari cult members from Mumbai should also fast along with cult members in Bareilly!! Readers should recall how, Mufti Mahmood Akhtar Ridawi, did not make any announcement through proper means of communications in 2012. This year also, Mufti Mahmood Akhtar Ridawi did not announce the decision on microphone, or issued any press release. Instead he chose his clean shaved students to propagate the news through mobile phone.

In Mumbai the Akhtari cult is divided into two groups. The first is lead by Mufti Mahmood Akhtar Ridawi and the second by Molvi Siraj Azhar. Molvi Siraj Azhar realized that this decision by Mufti Mahmood Akhtar Ridawi will make the former stronger in means of cult following, so he opposed this decision. Now the decision to fast an extra day or not became a mark of showing loyalty to Mufti Akhtar Raza Azhari Ridawi! The Akhtari cult members across India started spreading the message on mobile and some through local masjid and press release that one must fast an extra day after Eid, because Mufti Akhtar Raza Azhari Ridawi is the witness !! The Akhtari Qadi of the city of Kanpur announced that even the cult members in Kanpur should fast, because he has received witness from Mufti Akhtar Raza Azhari Ridawi. So based on the concept of “‘witness upon witness’ (shahaadat al shahaadat) the cult members in Kanpur should fast as well! This was reported in the Urdu newspaper “ Inquilab” ,dated 31 July 2014, page 2, Kanpur edition. The headline said “The Barelwi members need to fast an extra day to fulfill the missed fast”.

Reply from the scholars of Firangimahal, Lucknow

The Akhtari cult was spreading this confusion, just one week before Eid al Fitr. They did the same thing in 2012. In the North India, scholars from the madarsa of Firnagimahal, in the city Lucknow issued a press release in which they explicitly said that the announcement by Mufti Akhtar Raza Azhari Ridawi is childish and no consideration must be given to the decision by Dar al Ifta of Bareilly in this regard. This was published in the Hindi newspaper ‘Dainik Jagran’, dated 27 July 2014, page 14, Bareilly Edition. The news can be read here

Mufti Akhtar Raza Azhari Ridawi resigns as Qadi of Bareilly

The other scholars of Ahlus Sunnah ( Ashrafia Mubarakpur) also did not agree to the announcement from Akhtari cult. The statement from the Scholars of Firangimahal soon exposed Akhtari cult. After Eid al Fitr, people started raising questions regarding the capability of Mufti Akhtar Raza Azhari Ridawi. People know that he is old, has lost his vision, cannot hear and decide properly. Unable to lead the cult, Mufti Akhtar Raza Azhari Ridawi quit the post of Qadi of the city of Bareilly and nominated his incapable son, Asjad Raza Ridawi is the next Qadi of Bareilly. As per newspaper reports, the decision of next Qadi was taken two years back. This was reported in the Hindi newspaper”Dainik Jagran’. It can be read here.‘Dainik Jagran’, dated 05 Aug 2014, page 5, Bareilly Edition

The response from the Akhtari Cult

The top members of the Akhtari cult went silent after Eid al-Fitr. They knew that the more they talk about this issue, the more their cult will be exposed. But the ignorant followers started looking for some answer to justify their leader. One of the cult members said that it is written in Fatwa Ridawiyya that if Moon is sighted in the east, then the sighting will be considered for the west and vice versa, as long as the sahih sharii (correct as per Islamic Sharia) conditions are fulfilled.

This is indeed written in the Fatwa Ridawiyya Vol10, page 447 and can be read here

But this ignorant Akhtari failed to realize that Imam Ahmad Raza Khan Rh has explained that there are seven conditions which must be filled for any testimony/ witness for any Moon sighting. If any of these seven conditions are fulfilled then only the sahih sharii conditions will be fulfilled. The witness of Mufti Akhtar Raza Azhari Ridawi does not fall under any of these seven conditions mentioned by Ala Hazrat Imam Ahmad Raza. This can be read here

Readers should know that this Akhtari is a known liar. When Mufti Akhtar Raza Azhari Ridawi was denied entry at the Dargh of Ajmer Sherif, this Akhtari uploaded a phony telephonic conversation telling the world that Mufti Akhtar Raza Azhari Ridawi willingly chose not to enter the Dargh at Ajmer Sherif because he wanted to fulfill the ‘sunna’ of his elders who chose to recite fatiha from the gate itself!! The interesting thing is that the other members of the Akhtari cult gave a different story! We mentioned this in detail here

What Next?

The ignorant members of the Akhtari cult have started portraying Ajsad Raza Ridawi (the new Qadi of Bareilly) as a “wali” of Allah! Some of them have started praising him, before he can be objected! The senior scholars and colleagues of Ajsad Raza are shocked on the decision of Mufti Akhtar Raza Azhari Ridawi in appointing his son, Ajsad Raza Ridawi as the Qadi of Bareilly! A man who doesn’t know how to lead funeral prayer, a man who spends time in hotels and did not complete his Dars e Nizami is now a Qadi in Akhtari cult! We expect new stories from Akhtari Cult. An Akhtari was unable to explain that how come Mufti Akhtar Raza Azhari Ridawi be the Qadi of India, when he has lost his eyesight and does not hear properly. The Akhtari said that Mufti Akhtar Raza Azhari Ridawi is the ‘King’ of India and Movli Zia al Mustafa Ridawi has been the Qadi of India, all these years!!! An Akhtari brother from Sri lanka needed proof for Akhtari moon sighting blunder! Hope he will let us know under which of the seven conditions as mentioned by Ala Hazrat Imam Ahmad Raza Rh, does the testimony of Mufti Akhtar Raza Azhari Ridawi falls!

Questions by Sunni masses

Some Akhtari cult members raised a few important questions on this matter. They asked that since Mufti Akhtar Raza Azhari Ridawi has been going on Umrah visit every year in the month of Ramadan since last ten years, then how did he not get testimony of moon sighting in the previous years, since it is on record that moon is sighted in Africa and Arabia at least one day prior to India? How come he got this testimony only in 2014? They further ask that in future, Mufti Akhtar Raza Azhari Ridawi will continue to go on Umrah in the month of Ramadhan and will continue to meet his followers from Mali (Africa) and Arabian countries, so do we expect to fast one extra day every year in future, since moon is sighted one day prior in Africa and Arabia, when compared to India! Every year Mufti Akhtar Raza Azhari Ridawi bring this testimony and his followers will keep on creating confusion! Let us wait until next Ramadan and Mufti Akhtar Raza Azhari Ridawi’s Umrah in Ramadan!We do not expect more from liars.

In sha Allah more to come later.


  1. REPLY TO. YOUR BASELESS & FALSE ALLEGATIONS - of which point to point reply are as follows:-

    1)In the begining the blogger is Questioning on the AHLE SUNNAT WAL JAMA'AT. Identity "Maslak e Aala Hazrat" and he is eager to know its actual meaning. If the blogger is sunni than its our humble duty to explain him but if he is a Deviant than let me make it clear that I am not writing for you the blogger but for sunni community who doesnt get misguided by reading your blog. Maslak e Aala Hazrat is the Identity Of Ahle Sunnah Wal Jama'at in today's time.Today where many corrupt sects such as Deobandis have started calling themselves Ahle Sunnat Wal Jama'at,So to differ with them the Name or identity "Maslak e Aala Hazrat" has been called by Many Saints and Scholars.

    Huzur Sayad Ul Ulama Hazrat Allama Sayed Aale Mustafa(Alaihirrahma) Said-Maslak e Imam Ahmed Raza Khan Zindabaad..
    Hifz e Namuse Risaalat ka Jo Zimmedaar hai..

    No Sensible or let me say a true sunni Muslim can Resemble Maslak e Aala Hazrat with Ahlul Hadees.

    Today every Sect Say they are on Right path and others are not, So to Say that this is similarity in two sects is Highly objectionable and faraway from Sensible and good thinking.

    In the case of Jurisprudence 4 Imaams are Authentic and One imaam is Followed, And Majority of Muslim's are follower of Imaam e Aazam Abu Hanifa(Radi Allahu Anhu) and Anyone who Sidelines himself with These Imaams and is of the opinion that Sahaba's Act is enough for us in case of jurisprudence then such person is DEVIANT Gumraah as per CONSENSUS ijma.

    2)2012 Moon testimony Issue Huzur Muhaddith e Kabeer Allama Zia Ul Mustafa Sahab got testimony (shahadat) of ramadhan Moon sighting In Karnataka and he passed this testimony (Sahada) to Mufti Mehmood Akhtar Sahab when he reached mumbai, Since few days of Ramzan had already passed and with the fear of mischief(Remember this mischief is not done by common Sunnis but few Molvis who are envying Huzur TaajushShariah and his Following Ulamas) the Decision was made in the Ruyat e Hilaal Committee that If Moon is not sighted on 29th ramzan(As per Undeclared Date that Moon was Sighted one day earlier) than also the Moon of Eid ul fitr will be Declared Since 30 Days are completed as per testimony(shahada) and announcement of Qaza Roza will be made after Eid ul Fitr and Same thing was Done and Practised.

    This is totally False Statement that Allama Did'nt gave Same testimony(Sahada) in Ghosi infact he made the Same announcement there.If anyone wants proof of this can contact Allama Sahab anytime.

    No Responsible member objected the testimony of Allama Sahab except for some who are ignorant and envy Huzur TaajushShariah and his followers.

    Allama Zia Ul Mustafa Sahab is a Respected and a great Scholar in the Sunni World. The Lucknow university research says that Every year the books written by Sunni Scholars are 90% and above of those who Either are Students of Allama Sahab or Student of Student of Allama Sahab.

    As far as Mufti Mehmood Akhtar Sahab is Concerned, he is responsible Qazi of Mumbai and he too is on the ruling that namaz on Microphone is not valid but if there is a fear of Masjid going in the hands of corrupt sect then for such imaam the ruling is that he make arrangement for Mukabbirs and make announcement that who will follow imaam through mukabbir his namaz will be valid and who follows with loudspeaker will lose their namaz and same is situation with Mufti Mehmood Akhtar and he Follows this.

    The Writer of the post seems to be Anti Saadaat also, since he has no respect for Sayed Hussaini Miyan and takes his name by just writing "Molvi". As far As the issue of Donation to Ashrafiya is Concerned, Huzur TaajushShariah has publically opposed and Hazrat conveyed his discontent about the statement which one Speaker made in his speech that Donation to Ashrafiya is not allowed in absence of Huzur TaajushShariah on Stage in Mumbai.

    3)Huzur TaajushShariah Hazrat Allama Mufti Akhtar Raza Khan Sahab is One of the Great and Responsible Scholar and is Well known in today's Sunni World, Huzur TaajushShariah is the Peer having maximum Mureeds than anyone else in today's time, this fact many people are not able to digest and as a result of envy (Hasad) they oppose him.

    Hazrat TaajushShariah is on the principles and path of Hazrat Imaam e Hussain(Radi Allahu Anhu) and doesn't tolerate any act or voice against Shariah and refute such persons or sects who raise voice or act against shariah irrespective of the reaction.

    Hazrat Does'nt Create groups but some people to gain popularity wants to lead group and if not possible than divide and create the group as the writer of the post has done by referring to Many Sunnis who does'nt match their ideology as 'Akhtari Cult'.
    Hazrat cannot be made responsible for any wrong doings of his family members, Hazrat has been miles away from politics since his birth till now Alhamdulillah, If any of his family member is in politics or crave for beacon lights then he is himself responsible for his act.Ittehaad e Millat which is lead by one of his Family member has been oftenly Publicly refuted by hazrat,and hazrat has gone to the extent of saying that those who try to bring Sunnis close to other corrupt sects is not of Ala Hazrat's Family.

    4)One of the False Claim of the envious (Haasids) of Huzur TaajushShariah is that he is the patient of Albinism which is an absolute nonsense and baseless allegations on a wali of ALLAH. The Haasids can't digest the reality that people have accepted Islam by just a glimpse of his blessed face, this is the Noor which blind haasid recognise it as albinism. It is true that Hazrat is having problem with his eye sight and hearing since last few years but this is due to his age which has crossed 70 now,not because of Albinism.Hazrat has not lost his complete eye sight nor complete hearing capability, So the sharait for him being the Qazi is not violated. It should be known that the rule of shariah is that blind person cannot lead the Friday Namaz too but Hazrat leads it oftenly Since hazrat has not lost the complete eye sight.

    Saying that Hazrat's Followers Don't respect real saadaats is again a false allegation.
    Everytime Huzur TaajushShariah is seen respecting and Kissing hands of Huzur Sayed Ghayas Miyan(Kalpwi) who is True Saadaat ,And Share Stages With Sayed Ghayas Miyan(Kalpwi),Sayed Owais Miyan(Bilgrami),Sayed Hussaini Miyan (Nagpuri)etc.They all praise Huzur TaajushShariah.

    5)If you Say Hazrat has any kind of dealings with Tour operators then you have to first prove it and secondly prove that any of hazrat's act in this matter is unislamic, We understand that Hazrat's going for Haj & Umrah every year is also one of the reason people envying him


      6) 2014 Moon issue was very clear
      that Hazrat got shahadah in Madina Sharif that the Moon was seen one day before in one of the African countries and while returning to India he first gave shahada in mumbai to Mufti Mehmood Akhtar Sahab through Maulana Ashiq and Haji Yunus Qureshi and it Was accepted and the announcement was made accordingly of the eid moon on the basis of this shahadah as 30 days of Ramzan were completed as per the Shahadah.
      Also the announcement to keep one Qaza Roza was made after Ramzan. Every Responsible Alim And Mufti of Mumbai accepted this such as Mufti Ashraf Raza Sahab Mufti Qamaruzzama Sahab Mufti Sayed Shakir etc.
      As Hazrat went from Mumbai to Bareily Sharif,same Shahada rule applied there and the announcement was made. Confusion was not created by Hazrat or by any Responsible alim but it was because of few Irresponsible acts regarding the way of announcements of Shahada and Qaza Roza.These irresponsible acts of people close to Hazrat created some confusion which was soon rectified and sorted out by Hazrat and the learned Ulamas.
      Hazrat took shahada in Madina Sharif not as Qazi ul Quzzat fil Hind but it was a Shahada which every Basharah Sunni Muslim can take and bring to India. Hazrat made Maulana Ashiq and Haji Yunus Qureshi the witness of the shahadah. So Hazrat's Shahada was accepted in Mumbai and the Same in Bareily Sharif also through the witness of Maulana Ashiq and Haji Yunus. So to say that Hazrat does'nt remain Qazi out of his jurisdiction and his shahada is invalid is wrong and is indication that the writer lacks knowledge of Fiqh. Hazrat's Shahada was totally Correct as per Fiqh e Hanafi.

      7)Sufi Kaleem is not an important spokesperson or who says what it does'nt matter.

      The Statements of Hazrat and Responsible Scholars of MASLAK E A'ALA HAZRAT are taken into account and it is clear and everyone knows that Huzur TaajushShariah is Qazi Ul Quzzat Fil Hind.

      8)The Episode of Press releases i.e the way of announcement by People close to Hazrat we already discussed.But Mufti Mehmood Akhtar used Clean Shaved people for making announcement is a big lie and baseless accusation.

      9)As I said that the writer is anti Saadaat, he again proved this by calling Huzur Siraj e Millat Hazrat Sayed Siraj Azhar Sahab as Only 'Molvi Siraj Azhar. ONCE AGAIN A lie has been quoted that Huzur Siraj e Millat Opposed Mufti Mehmood Akhtar's Decision. Infact the whole Mumbai knows that the First Jumu'ah after ramzan the announcement was made by his Son Hazrat Minhaj Raza Hashmi at Phool Gali Raza Jama Masjid on behalf of his father Huzur Siraj e Millat who was in Ajmer Sharif.Audio clips of this are available on Social networking sites.


    10)who are the scholars of Firangimahal???As far as we know they are mostly Sullehkullis such as Khalid Rashid Firangi mehli who openly supports Khabees Zakir naik,So by qouting their stand the writer is giving clear signals that towards which direction he is going and from which group he belongs.If they think that the Sahada episode is not valid as per Hanafi Fiqh then they should announce open debate on this issue,Alhamdulillah our Scholars are always ready for it.

    11)Huzur TaajushShariah is Qazi Ul Quzzat Fil Hind but as a resident of Bareily Sharif he was local Qazi of Bareily Sharif too,Now Hazrat passed this local Responsibility to his Son Asjad Miyan so what is unislamic in it?

    12)Why the writer has not explained that how 7 conditions for testimony of Moon Sighting has not been fulfilled as written by Aala Hazrat(Radi Allahu Anhu).It is Challenge to the writer or every such person who says that the testimony of Hazrat is invalid. You prove it or Make an announcement for Debate.

  5. 13)Huzur TaajushShariah's Visit to Ajmer Sharif left many envious worried that Hazrat's presence will influence many people there and the same happened,

    So mischievers who always mislead people that barelwis are not believing Ghareeb Nawaz etc were not able to see this that Hazrat went to Hazrat Khwaja e Ghareeb Nawaz(Radi Allahu Anhu) Darbar And was blessed by Sarkaar e khwaja, thus they started Spreading false news that Hazrat was denied the entry at Darbaar.

    14)Which Senior Scholars are Surprised with the Decision of making Asjad Miyan as Qazi of Bareily Sharif??Series of lies continues that Asjad Miyan Does'nt know how to lead funeral prayers, and Not completed Dars e Nizami,stays in Hotel etc. Infact he has completed his full course of Dars e Nizami. Alhamdulillah (what's the use of showing a way to a blind and envious person) thus Mr Blind, Prove your words or FEAR ALLAH before spreading false rumours.

    15)After Eid many people of the Jealousy Camp who had objections to Hazrat's Shahada and Mufti Mehmood Akhtar's Stand on the sighting of Moon. Started Questioning on various Media platforms Specifically in Mumbai Urdu Times Newspaper as follows-

    On 5th August 2014 in Muraaslat Section of Urdu Times one molvi namely Akhtar Hussain Warsi wrote his objections for which a solid reply was given on 8th August 2014 in Muraaslaat Section of Urdu Times.
    On 14th August 2014 in Muraaslat Section of Urdu Times one more molvi namely Moinuddin Siddique wrote his objections for which a fitting reply was given on 20th August 2014 in Muraaslaat Section of Urdu Times.
    After this there were not any replies by anyone.

    16)Questions and objection are not by any Sunni masses but by few Jealous and envious persons. Hazrat goes every year for Umrah so if every year he Did'nt got shahada, and in 2014 he got,so what is Harm? you mean to say that in passed years he had not got such shahada so he should not get all over lifetime.Hazrat's each and every act is according to Sharia and if anyone is having objection to it can Debate on it on Fiqah e Hanafi.

    May ALLAH help us to understand and practise Haq and make us walk on the Right path of Sirat e Mustakeem

    آمین آمین آمین یا رب العالمین بجاہ سیدالمر سلین صلی اللہ تعالیٰ علیہ و سلم

  7. Two things are sufficient to show your fallacy. First, A blind man cannot remain a Qadi.Mufti Akhtar Raza Khan Azhari Rizvi cannot see at all. Second, Molvi Zia al mustafa is a known liar. Check many evidence on this blog ( example:

    Mufti Akhtar Raza is a patient of Albinism. Ask a Doctor from Ahmedabad who is his mureed and an eye surgeon. If you did not study science in school, you can google and find out that almost all the patient of Albinism suffer from eye vision in later part of their life. One of the sibling of Akhtar Raza was suffering from the same disease, that is Albinism. When Akhtar Raza was imprisoned in Saudi Arabia, he did not uetter even once" barelwi or maslak e ala hazrat". Hope this is sufficient. I understand you emotions, but truth has to be shared.


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