One of the signs of the qiyamah stated in the hadith literature is that the scholars of knowledge(jurisprudence ) will decrease and people will give rulings from their whims and desire. Today we see many such wannabe muftis who have no knowledge of jurisprudence ,but are eager to issue fatwa. Recently, a fatwa was issued regarding a speech delivered by Obaidullah Khan Azmi some twelve years back. We have discussed this whole issue at the below link A detailed explanation was written by Allama Abdul Haq Ridawi, which can be read at the below link The Principal and Chief Mufti of Al Jamia al Ashrafiya Mubarakpur, Hazrat Mufti Nizamuddin Sahab Rizvi recently explained a few rules of fiqh and discussed the speech of Obaidullah Khan Azmi . Readers are advised to listen to this speech, to increase their knowledge. ओबैदुल्लाह ख...