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Showing posts from May, 2015

Hazrat Mufti Nizamuddin Rizvi sahab about Obaidullah Khan's speech

One of the signs of the qiyamah stated in the hadith literature is that the scholars of knowledge(jurisprudence ) will decrease and people will give rulings from their whims and desire. Today we see many such wannabe muftis who have no knowledge of jurisprudence ,but are eager to issue fatwa. Recently, a fatwa was issued regarding a speech delivered by Obaidullah Khan Azmi some twelve years back. We have discussed this whole issue at the below link A detailed explanation was written by Allama Abdul Haq Ridawi, which can be read at the below link The Principal and Chief Mufti of Al Jamia al Ashrafiya Mubarakpur, Hazrat Mufti Nizamuddin Sahab Rizvi recently explained a few rules of fiqh and discussed the speech of Obaidullah Khan Azmi . Readers are advised to listen to this speech, to increase their knowledge. ओबैदुल्लाह ख...

Molvi Shoeb Raza Rizvi on TV interview

Molvi Shoeb Raza Rizvi, the son in law of Mufti Akhtar Raza Khan Azhari Rizvi recently gave interview to a TV channel on his recent trip to Kashmir. As per Akhtari cult, Islamic program on TV channel is not allowed and is Haram, but son in law of their cult leader has every right to come on TV to express his view. We hope Mufti Akhtar Raza Khan Azhari Rizvi will change his fatwa on TV now. मुफ़्ती अख्तर रज़ा खान रिज़वी अज़हरी के दामाद मोलवी शोएब रज़ा रिज़वी ने TV चैनल को इंटरव्यू दे कर अपने ससुर की नाक कटवा डाली। वाज़ेह हो की झंडाबरदार फिरके के मुताबिक़ अब मोलवी शोएब रज़ा रिज़वी नमाज़ में इमामत के लायक नहीं रहे। उम्मीद करते हैं की मुफ़्ती अख्तर रज़ा खान रिज़वी अज़हरी जल्द ही टीवी के मुताल्लिक अपने फतवे से रुजू करेगें।

Rules and Conditions for takfir of a Muslim

Takfir Muslim per Tahqeeqi Nazar The flag bearer cult ( jhandabardaar giroh) is often seen issuing fatwa of kufr upon Muslims without proper investigation. This cult lacks understanding of principles of fiqh ,especially the principles laid down by Ala Hazrat Imam Ahmad Raza Khan alay rahma. The cult members are in the habit of selecting and choosing those texts which suits their desire. In this process they totally ignore the conditions laid down by Imam Ahmad Raza Khan. In the recent past some cult members have issued a fatwa of Kufr upon Obaidullah Khan Azmi. We have attached a book, which discusses this issue in detail and exposes the shallow knowledge of Akhtari cult. झंडाबरदार बिरादरान की खिदमत में शाबान का तोहफा आज बहुत से लोग जिनको फिक़्ह और उसूल ए फिक़्ह का बुनियादी इल्म नहीं है, उन हज़रात ने मुसलमानों को काफिर कहना शुरू कर दिया है। अभी हाल ही में झंडाबरदार गिरोह के कुछ मौलविओं ने ओबैदुल्लाह खान आज़मी साहब के ऊपर कुफ्र का फतवा लगाया है। इन लोगों को फि...

Molvi Zia Ul Mustafa Rizvi: The biggest liar of our time

This is an important post for all those who want to know about Molvi Zia Ul Mustafa Rizvi. Earlier, we have discussed how zia ul mustafa was put to shame when he was caught lying red handed in front of a big gathering. It can be read at the link provided below. Zia ul Mustafa along with his team mates wrote a book entitled " Aiyna e sulah kulliat" which was published on the name of Anees Alam Siwani as its author. On page 23 and 24 of this book, Anees Alam writes that Zia ul mustafa narrated to him that when the latter visited the city of Karachi, he was approached by Shaykh Ilyas Attar Qadri and Syed Gulam Abdul Qadir at a residence of " fulan sahab ' ( some one ) . The two asked molvi zia ul mustafa if they can perform salah behind deobandis for the purpose of tabligh and inviting them towards ahlus sunnah. To this molvi zia ul mustafa replied that it is not allowed. We have provided scan of...

Fiqh for Amateurs

Off late,we have witnessed some cases in which people who have never had any training in the principles of jurisprudence have started giving ruling on matters which is beyond their comprehension. Interestingly,these people share stage with shia scholars,participate in functions organised by shia and sit with those politicians who often share stage with shia religious scholars. We have photographs and newspaper reports for these coverage. But it might not be required because these facts are known to everyone. Here is a short reply to these champions of Akhtari cult. बड़े हैरत व तआज्जुब की बात है की चंद अफ़राद जो शिया हज़रात की महफ़िलों में जा कर मक़ाला सिर्फ इसलिए पढ़ते हैं की वाह -वाही और शोहरत हासिल को सके , उन्होंने ने भी अब सुन्नियत की बात करना शुरू कर दिया है ! यह वही लोग हैं जो अपने महफ़िलों में रहमतुल्लाह सिद्दीकी जैसे फ़ितनेबाज़ और अशरफ किछोन्चवी जैसे सियासतदानों को बुलाते हैं ! फिक़्ह में ऐसे नवखेज़ हज़रात की खिदमत में नीचे दी गयी तहरीर मुफीद साबित हो...