The Rebellious Murideen of Mawlana Akhtar Raza Khan Mawlana Akhtar Raza Khan kay Bagee murideen An Akhtari brother from Srilanka wrote that I have hatred and jealousy towards Mawlana Akhtar Raza Khan because of his “world wide” acceptance! For records, this Akhtari brother works with murideen of Shaykh Nazim Haqqani and Shaykh Hisham Kabbani. But I have nothing personal against this brother. I love him for the sake of Allah. It is for our Akhtari Brethren to decide wether Shaykh Yaqoubi can still be trusted after he has called Shaykh Nazim Haqqani as a ‘Qutb’, which is a station bestowed upon Wali Allah. If our Akhtari Brethren argue that there can be difference of opinion between Shaykh Yaqoubi and others, then I ask, do Akhtari Brethren accept the difference of opinion in these types of matter? Fot those unware, Mawlana Akhtar Raza Khan and his cult does not accept difference of opinion in matters of Jurisprudence! We will prove this in future, In-Sha Allah. According ...