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The Rebellious Murideen of Mawlana Akhtar Raza Khan

The Rebellious Murideen of Mawlana Akhtar Raza Khan
Mawlana Akhtar Raza Khan kay Bagee murideen

An Akhtari brother from Srilanka wrote that I have hatred and jealousy towards Mawlana Akhtar Raza Khan because of his “world wide” acceptance! For records, this Akhtari brother works with murideen of Shaykh Nazim Haqqani and Shaykh Hisham Kabbani. But I have nothing personal against this brother. I love him for the sake of Allah. It is for our Akhtari Brethren to decide wether Shaykh Yaqoubi can still be trusted after he has called Shaykh Nazim Haqqani as a ‘Qutb’, which is a station bestowed upon Wali Allah. If our Akhtari Brethren argue that there can be difference of opinion between Shaykh Yaqoubi and others, then I ask, do Akhtari Brethren accept the difference of opinion in these types of matter? Fot those unware, Mawlana Akhtar Raza Khan and his cult does not accept difference of opinion in matters of Jurisprudence! We will prove this in future, In-Sha Allah. According to Akhtari cult whatever Mawlana Akhtar Raza Khan says in matters of Jurisprudence is THE only valid point and others are ‘deviant’!

As far as ‘world wide’ acceptance is concerned, it does not matter at all. Nuh Ham mem Keller, Abdul Hakim Murad and Habib Ali Jifry too are famous ‘world wide’. Does that make them correct? A man is judged by the Shariah, not with his popularity, which in the internet age is easy to achieve through some murideen active on a few forums and blogs. If popularity and ‘world wide’ acceptance is the issue, then why do Akhtari Brethren make fun of Shaykh Ilyas Qadri , who practices more Sunnah than Mawlana Akhtar Raza Khan?? Right now, we will not start this issue, but in future, these questions will have to be answered by our Akhtari Brethren.

As far as Mawlana Akhtar Raza Khan is concerned, I have nothing personal against him. I consider him to be a Sunni scholar. It is his dual policy which makes people talk about him. As per Mawlana Akhtar Raza Khan Videography and Photography are haram (forbidden in Islam). Then why has Mawlana Akhtar Raza Khan bestowed ‘Khilafat’ on those who not only come on TV channels but listen to Sama (adition)as well? No Akhtari brother should come out with a silly remark that Mawlana Akhtar Raza Khan didn’t know this!! We all know, Mawlana Akhtar Raza Khan is suffering from Albinism because of which he has lost eyesight and is advised by his close murideen on worldy matters such as news, currentaffairs, juloos etc. The close murideen of Mawlana Akhtar Raza Khan are active on internet, conduct weekely sessions on internet and are well aware about those personalities who come on TV and You tube. A simple google search will show how much Shaykh Abdul Hadi and Shah Trurab al Haq (Khalifa of Mufti e Azam) are active on video! Mawlana Akhtar Raza Khan bestowed his Khilafat on Syed Irfan Shah Mashahadi, whose position on Sama (audition) and Videography is well known. The reason why Mawlana Akhtar Raza Khan bestowed his Khilafat on Syed Irfan Shah Mashahdi will be taken up later.All the murideen of Mawlana Akhtar Raza who are active on Facebook, have liked images with human photographs! Tell me, has there been any Shaykh in history whose murideen have been so rebellious? All the murideen of Mawlana Akhtar Raza who use advanced mobile hand set are continuously watching You tube and video clippings! History will testify that no other Shaykh was as much refuted by his own murideen as Mawlana Akhtar Raza! The Akhtari Brethren in Britain should look for those mosques which do not conduct Salah on mic and our brother from Srilanka should stop committing the haram act of coming on TV and video, that too in the month of Ramadhan!

Akhtari Brethren and Mawlana Usaid al Haq Qadri (Rh)

For those not in India, Mawlana Akhtar Raza Khan and his gang has been sidelined in India in recent years. The scholaistic class, the sufis and the the Sunni intellectual class, all of them have kept away from Akhtari Fitna. A few months back, a major function was organized by a Naqshbandi Khankhaq at Islamia Inter college ground, Bareilly to mark the 400th Urs of Imam Rabbani Mujaddid alf al thani Rh.

Nearly all the Khankhaqs participated and all the major scholars participated except any representation from Akhtari cult! When Mawlana Usaid al Haq Qadri was martyred in Baghdad Sharif, every Sunni scholar expressed his grief, sorrow and condolences. But what was the reaction of Akhtari cult? Forget about expressing grief and sorrow, some of them expressed happiness and distributed sweets! Not a single molvi associated with Mawlana Akhtar Raza Khan expressed grief, sorrow or remorse! Some foul mouthed Akhtari Brethren went on to say that ‘those who go against Tajusshariah meet such type of death ‘. If going against Mawlana Akhtar Raza Khan entails martyrdom and a place at the feet of Al Gauth al Adham Shaykh Abdal Qadir al Gilani (Rd) then all the Sunnis of this world will be more than happy to go against Mawlana Akhtar Raza Khan . We are not sure about those murideen of Mawlana Akhtar Raza Khan who openly go against their ‘peer’ by coming on video, watching video and liking human pictures on facebook. To them, is their own Akhtari way! When the Isthal e Thawab function (Urs e Chehlum) for Mawlana Usaid al Qadri was performed at Badaun, every major Khanakhaq and all most all the leading Sunni scholar and Sufi/Mashaykh participated it. As usual, not even a single molvi attached with Akhtari cult participated. We do not need their participation, but what hurts is when these Akhtari Brthren accuse Mawlana Usaid al Haq Rh to be ‘non sunni’.

In-Sha Allah we will raise many issues in which the position of Mawlana Akhtar Raza Khan will be shown to be dubious. Keep a close watch here. Our Akhtari Brethren should start looking for answers about Mannani miyan and other issues.



  2. don't worry about all of this and that...... master the 5 pillars first before indulging in tassawuff.... people are searching way beyond what they are actually looking for.... seek guidance from whoever you feel you should and that should suffice.. if you have a problem don't discuss it among general congregation.. respect Moulana Akhtar Raza for the sake of the blood that flows in his body above anything else. everyone is too busy refuting wahabiasm and tableegh etc etc.. they WHO YOU SPEND YOUR TIME HATING does not care soo stop teaching people to hate and brand and start being productive. spread islam and teach basic fundamental core values of the deen... BE PRODUCTIVE AND SPREAD LOVE. Ala hazrath wrote many books on various subjects besides aqeeda, choose one and spread it.... BOTTOM LINE - Shariah comes before Tareeqah and no1 can refute that !!!!!!!!! now go make some new muslims and just stop making believers look like disbelievers !!!!!!! if you are of the calibre to openly question Tajusharia then get him directly save our ulema and maintain their izzath if you do not understand why they do certain things then look away because you would have to die and be reborn 3 times over to achieve half the knowledge they have..... you cant preach astronomical things to simple minds and stop trying to be Sufis it takes more than a few wazeefas and textbooks.. that knowledge which some ulema possess are not of books CATCH MY DRIFT !!!! as for the prv comment LOL shut up buddy who ever you are.... your comment is that of fitnah !! ever wondered why he will get more "reader" on that subject ???
    PEACE out !!

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  4. Mr.chemical we require ur chemical yaar ..
    Because the admin of this blog having lot of rust in his heart regarding the qadri Shaik tajushshariya...

    Pls take his address and deliver ur best chemical products which clean his heart along with him too....


  5. Alhamdulillah I am a Mureed Of Huzoor Tajushariah Allama Akhtar Raza Khan Al'Azhari...As far as your concern before making remark to any Maulana e Ahlesunnat please specify who You are whether You are a Aalim,Gafil,Mufti,Moulana what You are if You are not any among this then please for the shake of your Imaan please shut your mouth against such High Ranked Aalim among The Ummah who is so far sighted about such coming fitnaas within from Ahlesunnat and warned us about Tahirul Qadri.....And I hope u are not so Muttaqi even half of the Taqwa which my Shaikh possess.


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