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Mawlana Akhtar Raza Khan denied entry at Ajmer Sharif Dargah on 5 may 2014 Urs function

Mawlana Akhtar Raza Khan denied entry at Ajmer Sharif Dargah

On 5th May 2014,Mawlana Akhtar Raza Khan along with his team visited the holy city of Ajmer Sharif . His mureeds were shouting slogans " basti basti kariya kariya Tajus shariah Tajus Shariah" ( In every neighborhood , at every is tajus shariah). The mureedeen of Mawlana Akhtar Raza Khan are notorious for foul mouth, cheap talk, lack of knowledge and running away when asked to prove their point. On this occasion, the muredeen had distributed pamphlets accusing the "khuddam" at Ajmer Sherif to be "sulah kulli". They had pasted posters accusing sunni muslims to be 'sulah kullis".

The Khuddam told the murideen of Akhtar Raza Khan to stop chanting their slogan (basti basti kariya kariya Tajus shariah Shariah), but the murideen continued their cult slogan and started abusing the khuddam.

Finally Mawlana Akhtar Raza Khan was denied entry to the Dargah Premises. He was told to offer "FATIHA" from the "buland darwaza" ( main gate) and return. His murideen started abusing the local attendants, on which they were beaten and driven away.!!!

It is a matter of a few days, when the murideen of Mawlana Akhtar Raza will either start denying this incidence or will given some funny reason or interpretation for this humiliating experience !!

Akhtari Fitna at Bareilly Sharif

A couple of months back, the murideen of Mawlana Akhtar Raza tried to create mischief at Bareilly Sharif when a famous scholar and sufi from Naqshbandi silsila conducted a grand function at the Islamia inter college ground ,Bareilly. The murideen were angry because all leading Indian sufis and scholars were invited except Mawlana Akhtar Raza Khan. Finally, Police force was called and the murideen of Mawlana Akhtar Raza Khan were taken out of the gathering.

Mawlana Akhtar Raza Khan and entry into Kabah Sharif

The murideen of Mawlana Akhtar Raza Khan boast about the entry of Mawlana Akhtar Raza Khan in the Holy Kabah sharif a few months back. But they don't reveal or perhaps don't know is how did Mawlana Akhtar Raza Khan manage entry into the holy Kabah? And why so much talk about it?

Do the murideen of Mawlana Akhtar Raza Khan know that people like Mawlana Shakir noori has made entry into the holy Kahab sharif many times, but his murideen don't use this as a " marketing tactics".

The truth is that after the victory of Makkah, the Prophet gave the keys of the door of Kabah to a companion and since then the key has remained among his descendants Yazid once tried to take those keys, but he was unsuccessful. The present Shaykh who holds the key is a sahi al aqida sunni , who loves qasida burda and visits India Often. This shaykh is a close friend of Farok Saudagar, an ultra rich sunni businessman based at Mumbai. Farok Saudagar helped this Arab shaykh in getting heart surgery in India. They are like family friends and on every big occasion at Farok Saudagar's home, this Arab Shaykh is invited. Farouk Saudagar is the biggest and main financier of Sunni Dawate Islami ( SDI ) . He spends millions of rupees every year on SDI ijtema and other works. Whenever Farok Sadagar visits Makkah Sharif, the Arab Shaykh opens the Kabah sharif door for him ( Head of the Muslim states and personal guests of Key holders are not restricted as per Saudi Policy). Shaykh Shakir Noori is a close friend of Farok saudagar and it is through him that Shakir Noori got admission to holy Kabah .

When Mawlana Akhtar Raza Khan was at Makkah Sharif, Farok Saudagar was also present there. It was because of Farok Saudagar that Mawlana Akhtar Raza could enter Holy Kabah sharif!!!

How can Mawlana Akhtar Raza take help of a man who is:

1)The biggest financier of SDI?

2) Who sits with Qari Zahiruddin Khan?

3) Who openly allows videography at all his function?

Now what happened to " DI aur SDI maslake Ala hazrat kay muballigh naheen'????

More to come...


  1. blogs against tajushariyah , apney iman ki fikr kijiye ,

  2. الهم ارنا الحق حقا و ارزقنا إتباعه و ارنا الباطل و ارزقنا إجتنابه

  3. kya tajush shariah ke mureedeen ki khatain aur gandi rajneeti dikhlaney se iman zaya ho jata hai?

  4. There are 2 points you are telling the truth or lieing, if it is true, who is your witness, how reliable he is, where are the facts, and if you are lieing on Tajush shariah, may Allah and all his angles and pious laanat be on you and your team, as far as we have heard of, Tajush shariah did Dua from jannati dawaza and this is the place where ala Hazrat and mufti e azam used to do the same thing, tajush shariahs son and grand son offered chaadar at dargah shariff

    i would be interested to know your sources and their authenticity.

  5. I was present there when the whole incidence took place.

    Now let us analyze your "hearing" .
    As I wrote before in my post

    "It is a matter of a few days, when the murideen of Mawlana Akhtar Raza will either start denying this incidence or will given some funny reason or interpretation for this humiliating experience !!"

    You are lying or who ever has told you the cock and bull story is lying.

    Ala Hazrat used to deliver speech at Ajmer Sharif and not what you are telling!
    Second, check face book, the other murideen of Mawlana Akhtar Raza Khan are telling a different story . As per them, people started running towards Mawlana Akhtar Raza Khan to see his " glorious face" , so he recited fatiha from buland darwaza and left and later ( when crows was less) his son Ajsad Raza took him inside the Dargah!!

    Story number 3 : It was maghrib time, Mawlana Akhtar Raza could not enter enter the Compound of Dargah as it was crowded, hence he sat in a small room ( hujra) of a khadim , recited Fatiha and went back!

    I have received these stories in my email from Ehsan Qadri/ Shjat Qadri and other!! The story on facebook, who claim to have spoken to Ajsad is altogether different!!

    I was present there and the truth is that his mureeds were shouting cult slogan "patti patti kariya kariya...." and they were driven away.

    I know its hard for you to accept it because this is the truth.. Keep a close watch on this blog, as in future many more things will be uploaded. Till then enjoy the archives.

  6. You claim to be the witness, so who are you, while we are doing our research, it becomes important for us to know your credentials to verify your parameters to at least give a second thought of what you have written.

    secondly, we are in touch with the groups who were present at that time, and also shakir ali of sdi. Though he is ducking some straight forward questions, so don't worry about our analysis

    to start with give your creds

    and reading your cult archieves, i don't have to what nomads write

  7. A person who posts as Anonymous wants to know others 'credentials'.! Strange are the 'Akhtari" ways ! Regarding archive, I ( not We) understand your pain." Khisyani Billi Khamba Noche" ! Carry on with your "analysis" and recall what what said at the beginning :

    " It is a matter of a few days, when the murideen of Mawlana Akhtar Raza will either start denying this incidence or will given some funny reason or interpretation for this humiliating experience!! "

    I ( Not We) have received different emails from many Akhtaris. All of them have written that they have 'spoken " directly to ' Asjad Raza . Interestingly,they all have given different story! Be patient, we will release more materials pertaining to this episode and also the spicy stuff related with " Mannani Miyan" ( Brother of Mawlana Akhtar Raza) .This is a hint for you to start preparing some excuses and answer for Mannani Miyan's story which was published in the newspaper. Till then..

    Khisyani Akhtari khamba nonche!

  8. Lol... Another duck, you guys make judgement too early, i am not from the mureeden of tajush shariah...

    secondly, don't give an excuse to verify your you were the one who claimed, as for me o choose to remain anonymous not foe the fear of your backslash but to ignore your cult

    so stop worrying about who i am...and reply to what was asked lets see how much you have drunk from the sea of truthfulness.....

  9. Your " Lol" speaks a lot about you! Be patient and keep a watch on this blog Whether you are in Bhiwandi or Bareilly or Birmingham, you will get many surprises here!! FYI, world famous Akhtari mureeds have sent me e-mail giving the 'true story' after confirming from Asjad Raza. When I have collected those stories, I shall publish here with their 'emails".! As of now, study about " Albinism' and what the Islamic dosctors ( atiiba) have said raegarding it.

  10. A few days back Shaykh Nazim al Haqqani al Naqshbandi passed away. Indeed, every soul has to taste death. May AllaHu Tala give death to all of us on iman and islam. Ameen.

    As soon as the news of his death came on internet, the first thing our Akhtari brethren ( Mureedeen of Mawlana Akhtar Raza Khan ) did was to announce that Shaykh Nazim was a deviant .Some of them went as far as calling Shaykh Nazim as a"murtad"( apostate).

    Then came a face book post by Shaykh Abul Huda Yaqobi, who is lucky enough to be considered 'sunni' by our Akhtari brethren. Interestingly , in this post Shaykh Abul Huda called Shaykh Nazim as "wali Allah"with words like " Qutb and Murshid'. The internet Akhtari Gang was shocked ! Shaykh Nazim spent his life in Cyprus and middle east. His activities, book, speeches, gathering were known by Shaykh Abul Huda Yaqobi . It cannot be said that our internet Akhtari Brethren know more about Shaykh Nazim than what Shaykh Yaqoubi knows. What ever were the deficiencies in Shaykh Nazim, Shaykh Yaqobi didn't call him " Kafir/ murtad/ deviant". If our Akhtari Brethren are correct or Shaykh Yaqobi is wrong.
    We leave it on them to decide some one as " murtad".

    Another Ridawi scholar, Shaykh Monawwar Ateeq posted a message on his Facebook that he is leaving for Cyprus to attend the funeral of Shaykh Nazim. A few hours later, he deleted his post.

    Hope Akhtari brethren will soon decide on this matter.

  11. is it a mischief!!!.. my post was deleted or any technical glitch... giving benefit of doubt...

    another duck from you.... you were the one who claimed to be witness... why are not coming out in open.... secondly... post some video graph,or recordings.. i am sure it was a huge gathering and some one or the other must have done recording(audio/video) publish that...

    all i am saying is support your claims with proofs and facts and truth...

    so plz give your identity..allow ppl to do their analysis should not be afraid at all as your claim to truth is well noted..

  12. TaajushShariah aur Allama sahib se jalne walon k gul ho gaye chirag, u r jealous bcoz these 2 personalities are well accepted by all and the people die to see them but u r nothing so these allegations are out of jealousy and your heart is not pure that you get love of them. more mureedeens of TajushShariah just ignore you the reason is either jaahilon k samne ilm ki baat nahin kya karte or jaahil k samne baat karna gadhe ki poonch nochne jaisa hai so you keep updating ur blog with these lie alleges with burning heart and b ready to burn in the hell fire. jahannamiyon ko jaanatiyonki un ke naakhun barabar khushboo nahin pohonchegi ti Phir tumhe TajushSHariah aur Allama Sahib ki khushboo kahan se aayegi

  13. Haq woh hai jo sar chadkar bola jaaye...

    Yaseen akhtar misbahi k kitab ka rad sar e aam kiya ja raha hai...

    Aur ye log blogs me chupkar jawab dete hain....


    Kya jazba e haq hai BHAI.....

  14. Agar dam kham hota to social media me burkhe k andar burkhe me na aate...

    Balke aamne saamne aajate...

  15. Agar dam kham hota to social media me burkhe k andar burkhe me na aate...

    Balke aamne saamne aajate...

  16. Haq woh hai jo sar chadkar bola jaaye...

    Yaseen akhtar misbahi k kitab ka rad sar e aam kiya ja raha hai...

    Aur ye log blogs me chupkar jawab dete hain....


    Kya jazba e haq hai BHAI.....


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