During the time of Ala Hazrat Imam Ahmad Raza Khan Rahmatullah alayh, the running and management of trains in India was under the British control. The British used to stop train as per their convenience and pleasure. Ala Hazrat wrote that Salah performed on a moving train under these conditions and management must be repeated when one gets down from the train. However, in the present conditions, the running and management of trains is under Indian Railways. The running and stopping of the trains are fixed. The train stops only at its official and schedule stops. ( We are not talking about illegal stops, break downs etc. Stopping the train by pulling chain or activating vacuum break is illegal ) Even if a minister is traveling in a train , he cannot make the train stop as per his convenience. The train stops only at the schedule stops. This is one example to prove that as far as running of trains in India is concerned, conditions have changed in India. Due to this changed condit...