We have discussed earlier that Molvi Zia ul Mustafa is the biggest fitna of the present time. Readers can read more about him at the below mentioned links: http://ridawis.blogspot.in/2014/03/zia-al-mustafa-exposed.html http://ridawis.blogspot.in/2014/03/dirty-politics-of-zia-al-mustafa.html http://ridawis.blogspot.in/2014/03/racial-abuse-on-mawlana-yaseen-akhtar.html Last year (2015), Molvi Zia ul Mustafa Rizvi said that Molvi Sanabil Raza Hashmati is married to a daughter of a deobandi. Details can be read here: http://ridawis.blogspot.in/2015/06/has-molvi-zia-al-mustafa-become-kafir.html When people contacted the neighbor of this so called deobandi, it was found that the girl and her family is a proper Sunni family. The neighbor, who is a Sunni scholar, testified that he knows this family since long time. This Sunni scholar further said that Molvi Zia ul Mustafa Rizvi is a big fitna of the present time and that he is the main culprit behind A...