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Sufi Conference March 2016

I have received many requests to express my view about the Sufi Conference  which took place at New Delhi, from 17th March to 20th March ,2016.

The All India Ulama and Mashaikh Board ( AIUMB) is a board formed by Syed Muhammad Ashraf Kichhowchhawi.  He belongs to the respectable  Syed family  of Kichhowchhaw, a small town in the Indian State of  Uattar Pradesh.  His elder brother  is  Hazrath  Mawlana Syed Mahmood Ashraf, the Sajjada Nasheen of the dargah of  Makhdoom Ashraf Simnani  rahmatullah alayh.

Syed Muhammad Ashraf was interested in politics right from his student days at Aligarh Muslim University from where he completed his Bachelors Degree in Science. During his student days Syed Ashraf  started listening to the speeches of Dr Tahirul Qadri and soon became his fan. Since the formation of AIUMB all ,its media and public relation was managed by Syed Babar Ashraf, a  cousin of Syed Muhammad Ashraf.

AIUMB organized many functions, especially in North India in the last 6 years. All these functions were organized  for a political cause, under the garb of  " Sunni Muslims". Some of these functions were attended by the lieutenants of the Akhtari cult , as can be seen at this link

  The slogan which AIUMB has raised since last 7 years is " Wahabiyon ki Na Imamat Qubool Na Qayadat Qubool"  ( We neither accept Wahabis as Prayer leaders nor as Political leaders). Hence the only motive of Syed Muhammad Ashraf was to become a political leader of Sunni Muslims in India. It is a known fact that Sunni Muslims of India do not have any political leadership. Deobandis and Jamat e Islami have a dedicated political group with in their cult. Since Deobandis and Jamat e Islami have corrupt beliefs , which is against the very core belief of Islam, the Sunni Muslims do not accept Deobandis and Jamat e Islamic as their  representative . There are many reasons for  lack of Sunni Political leadership in India ,such as lack of literacy and political awareness  among Sunni Muslim population . The negative role played by the Akhtari cult is another reason for the lack of Sunni Political leadership.The Akhtari cult issues baseless verdicts ( fatawa) against anyone who joins politics but does not obey the commands of  the cult leaders.In fact, in the whole of India, there is not even one member from Akhtari Cult who can speak about issues like Nationalism, Minority rights in Constitution or other issues which are important for Indian Muslims for their respectable status in India.When ever Akhtari cult needs to issue a statement or organize a conference through which they want to convey their message to the government , they need scholars from main stream Ahlus sunnah wal Jamah.

Now, with in the Ahlus sunnah wal jamah, there are many scholars who are intelligent and knowledgeable about the political system of India. They write and issue statements concerning Muslims of India. But none of them is a 'peer'. Neither do they travel to deliver speeches. Hence all their talent and knowledge is limited to books, papers and  among the academic and intelligent class. If some one from Ahlus sunnah tries  to enter political field, the Akhtari cult issues fatwa against that person.With these things in mind the situation was very favorable  for Muhammad Ashraf to enter Indian politics representing Sunni Muslims of India.There is nothing wrong in being a political leader,but using religion and compromising your belief for politics is a sin and against morality.

  In the last six AIUMB organised many grand functions in India, which was attended by tens of thousands of Sunni Muslims. Through these huge gatherings Syed Muhammad Ashraf wanted to show his "voter strength" to different political parties, such as Samajwadi Party or Indian National Congress.No political party gave any considerable importance to Syed Muhammad Ashraf.

 First Warning Against AIUMB

About three years back Hazrath Mawlana Syed Mahmood Ashraf,  the Sajjada Nasheen at Kichhowchha  and the elder brother of  Muhammad Ashraf , issued warning against AIUMB. He said that  AIUMB is compromising Faith for Politics. He made it clear that  he is no way related to AIUMB.

 The Rift in AIUMB

 Since all the media statements and interviews were given by Syed Babar Ashraf, secretary of AIUMB, the media started giving more importance to Syed Babar Ashraf. Babar Ashraf built personal relationship with many political leaders across the party line. After all, he too had political ambitions. Both of them were trying to show as if they are hard core enemies of Wahabbis  and  true lovers and representatives of  Indian Sunni Population. Syed Muhammad Ashraf felt that soon AIUMB might be hijacked by Babar Ashraf due to latters media and political contact .Due to this and some other reasons ( which cannot be disclosed) Babar Ashraf was expelled from AIUMB.  Later, Babar Ashraf formed his own organisation called " Sada e Sufiya e Hind".  Using his political  and government contacts Babar Ashraf became a member of ( MAEF)Maulana Azad Education Foundation, a department  directly under the government of India. His name can be seen here:

May 2014 General Elections in India

Bharatiya Janata Party ( BJP ),a right wing  party came to power in May  2014.Many leaders from BJP  are directly involved and responsible for many communal riots across India .BJP  is controlled by RSS  (Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh ), which is a right wing Hindu party. With Godhra massacre (2002) in mind ( which happened when BJP was in power in the state of Gujarat) a large section of  Muslim population felt uncomfortable when BJP came to power at the center. The current prime minister of India,  Narendra Modi was the chief minister of Gujarat when Muslims were killed in Godhra ( a city in Gujarat) in 2002.Due to this act of violence Modi was denied visa by the USA during his tenure as the chief minister of Gujarat. In order to build his image, Modi soon started looking for those Muslims who would support him, in spite of charges against him. Modi soon found M.K Chishty  and Zafar Sareshwala , both from Gujarat, who would portray Modi as an acceptable person among the Muslim population. M.K Chishty  portrayed himself as a "Sufi" while Zafar Sareshwala was a businessman. The former tried to portray a good image of Modi among the scholastic religious class of Muslims while the latter did the same in the business and educated class of Muslims. Zafar, who cannot read and write Urdu , was rewarded for this act when Modi made him the Vice  Chancellor of Maulana Azad National  Urdu University..

AIUMB meets Modi 

 As discussed above, Syed Muhammad Ashraf , was looking for a political party which would give him some importance. On the other hand Modi was looking for someone who would help him in his image building among the Indian Muslim masses. That was all!  AIUMB took a delegation of "sufi" scholars to meet Modi on 27th August 2015. The Scholars from  main stream ahlus sunnah cautioned about AIUMB when they came to know about this meeting. Shaykh Abubakr Musaliyar, a Khalifa of Mufti Akhtar Raza Azhari Rizvi ( founder of Akhtari cult ) too was present in this delegation! Akhtari cult was silent since they realized that a Khalifa of their cult leader was present in this meeting!  Details can be seen at this web link: 

 Killing of Akhlaq , Ghar Wapsi and growth of Intolerance in India

On 28th September 2015,a 52 years old Muslim man named Akhlaq was killed by a Hindu mob on the suspicion of killing a Cow and storing its meat in his refrigerator. Upon forensic examination it was found that its was Mutton and not Beef. Similar incidence were reported from other parts of India where Muslim were killed by Hindus on charges of "selling and smuggling" Cow. With the backing of RSS many Hindu groups  started a conversion drive ( called Ghar wapsi in Hindi) in which poor Muslims were told too convert to Hinduism.At many places Church was attacked. Soon an atmosphere of intolerance developed in India in which minorities, Scheduled Caste and  Intellectuals were attacked for speaking against Modi government. Modi was seen as a man who was acting against minorities. Modi needed to do something to clean his image.

 November 2015  Bihar State Elections

 The Indian State of Bihar went to polls in November 2015. Minorities, backward class, Hindus and Muslims, all voted for Janata Parivar ( a group of 6 parties ). BJP lost the elections badly. A very important aspect of this election was that Muslim vote did not get divided. Sunnis, Deobandis, Ahle hadith, all of them voted for Janata Parivar. This was an alarming bell for BJP. Had the muslim vote got divided, BJP would not have lost with this huge margin. Now BJP was looking for some plan to divide Muslim votes for future elections.

 The Politics of Muslim Populated Area

There are certain areas in which Muslims are in Majority. However government  has reserved those seats for scheduled caste! Which means no Muslim can fight election on that seat, since there are no scheduled caste among Muslims.

 In other case, those areas in which Muslims are in majority, almost all the political parties will file Muslim candidates during elections.Many a times many political parties which are against Muslims will create a new political party just before elections. This new political party too will file a Muslim candidate. In this way Muslim votes gets divided. And in many cases ( such as Bhiwandi  near Mumbai) even though  Muslims are in large Population, the winner is often from a right wing hindu party, due to this division of  Muslim votes.

Hence one key factor for winning elections in India is to divide the Muslim votes.

The Plan to Divide Muslim Vote

 Having lost Bihar state elections Modi realised that if he has to win in the coming elections in the five Indian States he must divide the Muslim votes.But how will he do it? Since Sunni Muslims, who believe and practice in Sufism constitute majority of the Indian Muslim Population, AIUMB, which claimed to represent "Sufis"  was given this task of dividing the Muslim vote! It was decided that AIUMB will organize a " sufi conference" which will be backed and funded by Modi government. In this way Modi will get good image among Sunni Muslims in India  and also a good image at the global level. Further,  since Sunnis will support this " Sufi conference" organised by  Syed Muhammad Ashraf, in future Syed Muhammad Ashraf will  ask Sunni Muslims to vote for BJP! If Muslims accepts Muhammed Ashraf , Modi gets vote and if they reject his call, the Muslim vote gets divided! It is a win win situation for Modi!

  Preparations for the Conference

AIUMB hired many professionals for media management. Many young Islamic Scholars,Writers and Students were paid handsome amount to promote Sufi Conference through Magazines, Social Media and  Seminars. Many people were paid to travel across India, to meet scholars and Sufis at different khankha and convince them to attend and promote this conference. AIUMB further made it clear that the inauguration of Sufi Conference will be at Vigyan Bhavan!

Reaction of Sunni Scholars

 Vigyan Bhavan is a one of the top ranking auditorium . It is owned by the Govt of India. In the history of Independent India, Govt has never allowed any Islamic function to be organised there. As soon as the venue was announced the Sunni Scholars made it clear that  this conference is a Political Conference which is conducted by Modi Govt . Further AIUMB did not disclose its source of income for conducting such a grand function in which more that 200 guests were invited and accommodated in hotels.

Since Akhtari cult is not aware of these details, they did not oppose this conference until then. Some of them were angry because their cult leader was not invited for this function. ( Tahir al Qadri's visit was not disclosed as of yet)

Sunni Muslims  Organise Conference

On 8th February Sunni Muslims organised " All India Anti Terrorism " conference at New Delhi. Many members of the Akhtari cult too participated in this conference and got photographed, there by committing an   haram act as per their cult leader. In fact some members of the Akhtari cult spoke on this occasion and proved their stupidity! They started shouting on mic, as is their habit when they speak during religious functions organised by their cult!  Only scholars and intellectuals from Ahlus sunnah spoke wisely. Details can be seen here:

On 5th March, Sunni Organisations clubbed together to oragnise a conference  at Jaipur. Many members of the Akhtari cult participated and got photographed , their by repeating the haram act as per their cult leader. But this time no cult member was allowed to speak on mic. Mawlana Qamaruzzaman Aazmi spoke on this occasion. Akhtari cult members are dependent on main stream Sunni scholars for quality lectures and speeches. Details can be seen here:

Observe , that in both these conference neither  the Akhtari cult slogan of " basti basti qariya qariya...." was  shouted  nor  ,Crown, ( Taj)the Akhtari cult symbol was used.

Tahir al Qadri Factor 

AIUMB made it clear through magazine and interview that Dr Tahir al Qadri will be the key speaker on the concluding day of the Sufi Conference on 20th March.Tahir al Qadri is not considered a Sunni Muslim by almost all the major  Islamic scholars. Different scholars have issued fatwa against him . Some of them have called him a deviant, while others have called him a Kafir. The vast majority of Sunni Muslims do not like Tahir al Qadri due to his deviant beliefs and actions.When AIUMB disclosed that it is going to invite Tahir al Qadri, the Sunni Population became active and started opposing this Conference through media, magazines  and speeches. Akhtari Cult now started opposing this Conference, where as the main stream Sunni Scholars now had two reasons to oppose this Conference.

 AIUMB goes Silent

The slogan which AIUMB gave was Wahabiyon ki Na Imamat Qubool Na Qayadat Qubool"  ( We neither accept Wahabis as Prayer leaders nor as Political leaders).But  Tahir al Qadri had said that he has  no objection in performing salah behind people of any sect ( wahabi, deobandi, ahle hadith etc) , so how could AIUMB invite a man who performs Salah behind Wahabis? Isn't this against the slogan of AIUMB? 
AIUMB had no answer to this and went silent.

Muhammad Ashraf's remarks about Tahir al Qadri

Syed Muhammad Ashraf said that he did not find any evidence of  celebrating Prophet's birthday ( mawlid) in Quran . But upon listening to  Tahir al Qadri's speech about mawlid he found the validity of celebrating mawlid! Only after this statement , the general population of Muslims came to know that Syed Muhammad Ashraf is not an Islamic scholar!

Babar Ashraf's ( Former Secretary AIUMB) view about Sufi Conference

As discussed above, after working as the secretary  for about 6 years Babar Ashraf was expelled from AIUMB due to many reasons. He knew the ambition and purpose of AIUMB.

Babar Ashraf said:
" The political and social groups who want to highlight Muslims in a negative light feel satisfied as their cause is served.”
However, in spite of all this, Babar Ashraf went on to meet Tahir al Qadri, since he is his big fan .

View of Hazrath Mawlana Syed Mahmood Ashraf ( Elder brother of Muhammad Ashraf )

 Syed Mahmood Ashraf ( Sajjada Nasheen Kichochha Sherif) , elder brother of Syed Muhammad Ashraf said:
" The Board is working to promote the “personal cause of people like (my) brother Mohd Ashraf"

Details can be seen here:

View of Deevan Syed Zainul Abedin of  Ajmer Sherif

 " This is political. This is not to unite but to divide people,” he says, and raises questions on the credentials of some of the organisers."

View of  Peerzada Rais Mian Chishti Sajjadanashin of the holy shrine of Hazrat Sheikh Saleem Chishti

 " I keep away from any government-sponsored conference of this nature"

Details can be seen here

View of Shaykh al Islam Syed Madni Miyan al Gilani about Sufi Conference

Hazrath Syed Madni Miyan, a descendant of Shaykh Abdal Qadir al Gilani (rd) is  one of the top ranking Islamic scholar in the world. Because of his vast knowledge, wisdom and balanced approach , he is respected by Scholars and  the general population of Muslims. Shaykh al Islam said:

" This is a Political Conference...(one must keep away from it)"
It can be heard here:

Some members of the Akhtari Cult said that this remark by Shaykh al Islam was not " sufficient" Perhaps the cult members are not aware about the earlier statements which Shaykh al Islam made concerning Tahir al Qadri. It can be head here:

First Statement

Second Statement

 Third Statement

 Fourth Statement

The response from the Akhtari Cult

Some mischievous elements on social media circulated a message in which Tahir al Qadri allegedly challenged  Mufti Akhtar Raza Azhari Rizvi  for a debate. Akhtari cult came into action and soon responded to this fake debate challenge! Molvi Zia al Mustafa ( Second in Command of the Akhtari Cult) had to release a statement on his letter head asking Tahir al Qadri to challenge him 'officially" with his signature!  Members of the cult raised doubt on the authenticity of this letter head. Since Akhtari cult members have a habit of tampering with the fatwas ,they thought that this is a fabricated statement They could not believe that Molvi Zia al Mustafa is such a fool that he  replies to 'whats app' challenges made by some unknown person!  Molvi Zia al Mustafa had to make an audio announcement , clarifying that he indeed released that statement on his letter head! .

Mufti Akhtar Raza Rizvi Azhari asked his followers to boycott the conference since it is organised on the behest of Jews and Christians!  Other members of the cult opposed this conference due to Tahir al Qadri.

 Statement Issued by All India Sunni Jamiyatul Ulama

In the Last Week of February 2016 All India Sunni Jamiyatul Ulama( Maharashtra State) released a note  stating that Syed Amin Mian Qadri, Syed NajeebMiyan Qadri , Syed Madni Miyan al Gilani, Syed Hashmi Miyan al Gilani, Allama Abdul Hafiz Azizi Sahab, Allama Muhammad Ahmad Misbahi sahab and hazrath Mufti Nizamuddin Ridawi sahab are not participating in this Sufi Conference. After this statement was issued the scholars, intellectuals and the general population of Sunni Muslims was sure that this conference needs to be avoided . 

Image of Akhtari Cult in India

All India Sunni Jamiyatul Ulama did mention that Mufti Akhtar Raza Rizvi is not participating in this  Conference . But Mufti Akhtar Raza and his cult is not taken seriously by the scholars and the general population of  Sunni Muslims in India. In fact the members of the  cult themselves do not follow their leader. For example, Mufti Akhtar Raza Rizvi issued a fatwa that watching T.V ( Islamic programme) or delivering Islamic lecture on TV is haram. But most of  the cult members  have  android phone with  lots of video stored in it!  In fact one Khalifa of Mufti Akhtar Raza , who runs a girls Madrasa at Nagpur, was found to posses many controversial CDs . Similary Mufti Akhtar Raza Rizvi issued a fatwa that wearing a shirt with collar is haram. We find most of the cult members wearing shirts with collar. Similarly, Akhtari cult members oppose Dawate Islami and Sunni Dawate Islami. In nut shell, any fatwa or statement issued by Akhtari cult is not taken seriously because they have a habit of calling even sunni muslims as  " kafir ' or a " sullah kulli". ( Interestingly, Molvi Zia al Mustafa is called a sulah kulli by some of his fellow  cult members). 

Sunni Population knows that Scholars like Shaykh al Islam Madni miyan, Mufti Nizamuddin Rizvi sahab, Allama Muhammad Ahmad Misbahi, Allama Yaseen Akhtar Misbahi etc are  trustworthy scholars. They have their senses working and are balanced in their approach. Hence the Sunni population follows these scholars.

Pioneering work by Allama Yaseen Akhtar Misbahi Sahab

Allama Yaseen Akhtar Misbahi Sahab is one of the senior Sunni Islamic Scholar in India.His vast knowledge about the history of Sunni scholars and movements in India is accepted by all. Having spent more than thirty years in New Delhi, the capital of India, he knows the policies of different political parties. 

Allama Yaseen Akhtar Misbahi sahab raised concern about the intentions and the goals of Sufi Conference. He warned people about the political motive of Modi behind this. He wrote three  articles  which were published  in leading Urdu news papers of India .

First Article,3 March 2016..Urdu Sahafat , page 6, entitled " Bhajapa ki siyasat manzoor hai na Qayadat" [We accept neither the Politics nor the Leadership of BJP]

Second Article : Urdu Sahafat, entitled  " Tasawwuf aur Sufiya ka siyasi istemal ! Musalmanon ke liye na qabile qubool" [ Muslims do not accept use of  Sufi  scholars and tasawwuf for political motives]

Third Article : entitled " Sufi  Seminar wa Conference se mutalliq chand maruzat" [ A few pleadings concerning Sufi Seminar and Conference]

 These three articles refuted and exposed the organisers of Sufi Conference . AIUMB went in a state of shock. Scholars, intellectuals and general population, everyone came to know about the intention behind Sufi Conference.

Later all three articles were compiled together and published in the form of a booklet entitled " Tasawwuf aur Siyasat" . The book can be downloaded from this link:

This booklet was shared widely among scholars and intellectuals on social media as well in the printed form. With less than a  week to go for the Sufi conference, the organisers had no answers to the points raised by Allama Yaseen Akhtar Misbahi sahab. Many scholars and intellectuals who had earlier made up their mind to attend this Conference, changed their mind after reading these articles. We recommend that those who want to understand the politics behind this conference must read this booklet.

 The Conference

17th March at Vigyan Bhavan: The Conference was inaugurated by Modi. During Syed  Muhammad Ashraf 's speech some Muslims raised certain Islamic Slogans. Some non muslims sitting in the audience raised the slogan of " bahart mata ki jai". It is not known that any member of AIUMB objected or clarified regarding this slogan. Later Modi, along with Najma Heptulla ( a lady)  and all other audience  listened to Qawwali  and watched Turkish " sufi " dance! 
 Some members of the Akhtari cult said that since AIUMB has considered a haram act as something valid, they have committed kufr!  When they were told that this is a haram act and not kufr, they said we will ask our (cult) scholars about the same. 

18 and 19 March : Papers were presented on different topics at different Halls, Auditoriums 

20 th March : at Ramleela Ground : Saqib Shami from England refuted Tahirul Qadri for his dual stand on wahabis and those who show disrespect to the Prophet..This video of Saqib Shami went viral. Since every one knows about it, there is no need to discuss this in detail. We congratulate Saqib Shami for his brave and courageous effort. We fully agree with him on this particular issue. Tahir al Qadri must do public tawba

 Syed Tanvir Hashmi from AIUMB tried to reply/ refute Saqib Shami ,but it was not at all convincing. In fact he was boasting about his being Syed, which is of no use if his belief is not correct. 

At the morning hours crowd was around 13,000 ( Times of India: 80000, Indian Express: 10,000, Outlook: 15,000 , Doordarshan ( under Modi's control) 25,000). As the temperature started soaring, people started leaving since there was no arrangement of water and food. No time was given for duhar salah. By the time Tahirul Qadri came on the mic, the crowd was hardly 7000. The Conference was a major flop as it was boycotted by most of the leading Sunni/ Sufi scholars. From the crowd point of view as well, it was a major flop.

Highlight:  Shaykh Abu Bakr Musaliyar, a prominent  Khalifah  of Mufti Akhtar Raza attended the function. Will his Khilafat be revoked? If some jahil cult member says that the khilafat automatically gets revoked, if you go against your pir, then wait for our next article, exposing munafiqat of Mufti Akhtar Raza in rewarding Khilafat.

The After Effects

Mufti Kaleem Ridawi Vs Syed Tanvir Hashmi

 Mufti Kaleem Ridawi, is a member of the Akhtari cult . His views about the cult leader can be heard here:

Kaleem Ridawi took upon the responsibility of refuting Syed Tanveer Hashmi . Kaleem Ridawi released an audio clip trying to refute Syed Tanveer Hashmi. In this audio clip he raised doubt  about Syed Tanveer Hashmi being a Syed. An audio reply was released from Syed Tanveer Hashmi's side challenging  Mufti Kaleem Ridawi to accept a " Mubahila" . Mufti Kaleem Ridawi released an audio clip  accepting  any debate or even Mubahila. Syed Tanveer Hashmi proposed Mubahila for 2nd May 2016 at Ajmer. Finally Kaleem Ridawi accepted his mistake of casting dount on Syed Tanveer Hashmi's geneology . He has gone silent now.

It is a peculiar trait of all Akhtari cult members that they caste doubt on the genealogy of others. They have no fear of Allah .Syed Tanveer Hashmi was indeed wrong in supporting Tahir al Qadri. But what Kaleem Ridawi did was accepted as something normal  by the Akhtari cult members!

Fourth Article by Allama Yaseen Akhtar Misbahi

Giving a final blow to the organisers of Sufi Conference, Allama Yaseen Akhtar Misbahi released an article after the Conference was over. He took AIUMB to task for accepting the concept of " muttahida qaumiyat" ( Integrated Nationalism) in their declaration. Since Akhtari cult  has no intellectual member to even realise what it means, Allama Yaseen had to explain these things in detail. He explaind that  as per RSS , all muslims living in India must accept " Hindu" as their identity and ' hindi' as their language. This is what they called 'Integrated Nationalism'. Allama Yaseen sahab wrote his fourth article entitled " Sufi forum ki taraf se muttahida qaumiyat ki tayeed wa tauseeq" [ Sufi Forum supports and strengthens the Concept of Integrated Nationalsim]. It can be read here: 

After reading this article many people who attended the Sufi Conference are now repenting. In future we may publish their comments with their real name and identity .

Fifth Article by Allama Yaseen Akhtar Misbahi

In December 1998 Allama Yaseen Sahab published an article entitled " Khak e watan se Mohabbat" ( Loving the dust of your country). Since the issue covered in this article is relavant with the present scenarion ,this article was released again on  2 April 2016. It can be read here 

Enthusiasm of Akhtari Cult

The members of the Akhtari cult along with some other organisation organised a grand reception for Saqib Shami at Mumbai on 24th March. The speech can be listened here :

Link 1

  Link 2

 There was no slogan ( patti patti qariya qariya.. ) or symbol  ( taj/ crown) of Akhtari cult at this function. 

Akhtari lie exposed : Certain memebrs of the Akhtari cult lied when they said that Saqib Shami was forced and pushed to leave the mic when he was speaking at the Sufi Conference . At Mumbai Saqib Saami refuted this lie by the Akhtari cult as can be heard in the speech. AIUMB committed a sin by inviting and respecting Modi and Tahirul Qadri , there is no doubt about that. But as Muslims we must be honest and fair even with our Enemies. Sadly, Akhtari cult does not believe in this. As pet cult policy, they can abuse, slander and accuse their opponents.

Saqib Shami at Bareilly Sharif

On 30 th March 2016 , Saqib Shami vistsed Bareilly sharif. Mufti Akhtar Raza Rizvi and his son Asjad Raza were both at Mumbai. Hence they could not meet Saqib Shami. However, Mufti Akhtar Raza Rizvi personally gave orders to his family members that Saqib Shami must have lunch at his house. The order was fullfilled. Infact, the same night Saqib Shami had dinner as well at Mufti Akhtar Raza's residence.

Another Akhtari lie exposed
  Certain members of the Akhtari cult are lying opnely on internet  by denying that Mufti Akhtar Raza Rizvi arranged lunch and dinner for Saqib Shami at his residence. These cult members have bigger ego than their cult chief! In fact it is these types of cult members which bring bad name for Mufti Akhtar Raza.They think that their leader's status would decrease if he would arrange food for some Muslim guest at his house! This is their sickening mentality.  We can give out the details of the food that was served at Mufti Akhtar Raza's house! The lunch was in the drawing hall and dinner in the bed room. A very senior khalifa of Mufti Akhtar Raza was present at both the times. This khalifah can be contacted and verified about this fact. But we are sure Akhtari cult members would not repent for lying openly. Was it not there responsibility to cross check before lying on the internet? We know their leader cannot hear propelry, but why did they not  verify from Asjad Raza ? If Asjad doesn't pick up the phone, they could have easily verified from the senior khulfa of Mufti Akhtar Raza who were at Bareilly sharif  .In fact Saqib Shami shared this on his facebook page!

These cult members think every one will delete their facebook due to their "fear". The fear of being abused! Shaykh Nazim al Haqqani passed away on 7th May 2014.Shaykh Monawwar Ateeq [ UK] updated his facebook status that he is flying to attend Shaykh Nazim's funeral. But Shaykh Nazim was a "kafiir" as per Akhtari cult members , so they started asking questions about Shaykh Monawwar! Finally Shaykh Monawwar had to remove his update concerning his journey for funeral!But not every one is scared of abuses or pressure. We will continue to expose Akhtari cult on this blogspot, In sha Allah!

Grand Reception at Bareilly Sharif

Saqib Shami was given a grand reception at Bareilly Sharif for his courgaeous stand for the cause of Ahlus sunnah. We salute and respect this stand ,which is what we beleive in. The function was reported in the local newspaper. Saqib Shami visisted the mazar sharif of Ala Hazrat along with murideen  of Mufti Akhtar Raza. Photos were shot from different angles on this occasion, but this haram act is nothing new for the Akhtari cult members. 

There were atleast three major reception for Peer Saqib Shami at Bareilly Sharif.

First: At Imam Ahmad Raza Academy: Hosted by Mufti Haneef Khan Misbahi Rizvi ( Khalifa of Mufti Akhtar Raza Rizvi)

Second: At Raza Masjid. The Masjid adjoining the shrine of Ala Hazrat.

Third: At Jamia Masjid. This was after the Isha salah.

Issues concerning Saqib Shami

There are two issues concerning Saqib Shami. First, his beard is less than a fistful length. Second, he listens to sama ( music) with instruments. Since Akhtari cult members do not understand a simple fact that rewarding khilafat to a man with short beard is not the same as inviting that man for food at your home!  There is no harm in inviting a Muslim guest , even with short beard, at your home for food. The cult members think it is a grave sin to invite a short bearded muslim for food. Hence they are lying on the internet that their cult leader did not arrange for food at this house! The fact is Mufti Akhtar Raza Rizvi arranged for Lunch and Dinner, both for Saqib Shami at his home on 30th March 2016. Since Saqib Shami  follows the Hanafi school of fiqh , he must support a full fist length beard. Hanafi ruling of committing a  haram act is applicable on all those who trim beard under a fist length. The ruling of fasiq will be applicable in this case.
Second, concerning sama with musical instruments.( Saqib Shami is a mureed of Muft  manzoor Ahmad Faizi Chishti rh). This is a haram act but saqib shami will not be called fasiq due to this act alone Since Akhtari cult members do not understand these simple things,we will quote Mufti e Aazm Hind Mustafa Raza Khan rh.  Mufti e Azam writes:

" Qawwali with musical instrument is not persmissible near us. It is haram ( forbidden) and a gunah ( sin) near us. The same ruling is applicable to sajda e tazimi. Certain people have disagreed with us on these matter. Although, their disagreement is not worthy of  any attention.  But this ( disagreement) has saved their followers, who indulge in these activities  considering the views of opponents to be relaible and permissible , from the ruling of fisq . Although, from shariah point of  view , they are now accused of two charges. First, for commiting a forbidden act. Second, considering it permissible by going against the majority ruling"

[ Fatawa Mustafawiya, p.456]

 The Sufi Conference was organised for the political purpose. It had nothing to do with tasawwuf . Almost all of the major Sunni/ Sufi scholar boycotted this Conference. The Conference was a major flop. Saqib Shami must be congratulated for the step he took to respect and accept the view of Ahlus sunnah in matters of creed. We fully agree with him in his demand that Tahirul Qadri must repent publicly.The personal shortcomings of Saqib Shami ( such as short beard and listeing to music with instrument) will remain haram as per shariah. However, these shortcomings does not invalidate the bold step he took on the matter of creed.

From the political point of view, certain individuals might  be benifitted personally in future. Some of them might get nominated to the Rajya Sabha ( the upper house of  Indian Parliament) in which Govt has the right to appoint 12 candidates for a period of 6 years , for service in various fields like Sports, Culture, Social Work etc. It is also possible that some members of AIUMB might fight elections on BJP ticket. Some of them will even join canvasing for BJP in the coming elections in the five Indian state. Syed Muhammad Ashraf has already given indication of his support to Modi. The interview can be read here:

We hope that Sunni Muslims will remain united. They will not allow any Pseudo leader to represent them. Neither will they compromise their faith and creeed for any political gains. We are Muslims. We must safe guard our iman and aqida and live a respectable life.

In sha Allah, if required, will , write more on this in future.


Allama Yaseen Akhtar Misbahi released his sixth article pertaining to the matter. It can be read here:


Mawlana Saqib Shami's view about Ala Hazrat, is Correct.-- By Allama Yaseen Akhtar Misbahi


BJP ki shatirana peshkash

Tasawwuf aur Siyasat- 3rd Edition- Allama Yaseen Akhtar Misbahi

Sufi Conference ka Aankho Dekha Haal


  1. I can never believe that he doesnt come on time hazrat akhter raza khan rehmatullah alaihi has many hasideen becoz hes on haq alhumdulillah.
    Kuch bhi kaho jo haq hai woh haq hai lakh paper publish karo ya internet bhar do

    1. I appreciate your comment. haasedeen will soon realize the high position of HAZRAT AZHARI MIYA REHMATULLAH ALAIHE in todays time of fitna. He was only ONE who stood steadfast and firmly on SHARIYAT for any r


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