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The jurisprudence of Akhtari cult

The jurisprudence of Akhtari cult

The Sunni scholars of India have two different views regarding performing Fard and Wajib Salah in a moving train in the present conditions. As per Mufti Akhtar Raza Khan Azhari Ridawi and his followers the Salah can be performed on a moving train if the time of the Salah is elapsing but it has to be offered later when the passanger gets down from the train. As per Mufti Nizamuddin Ridawi, in the present condition and management of railways, the Salah performed on a moving train is valid and need not be performed later. Both the views are from Sunni, Hanafi scholars and a layman will not be questioned on the details of this matter.

Molvi Nazir Ashraf Ridawi Nagpuri, a trusted lieutenant of Mufti Akhtar Raza Khan Azhari Ridawi wrote a book on this issue in Urdu entitled “Chalti trainon per Namaz Ka Hukm”. The book contains foul language, personal attack, cheap remarks and shallow research, all of which are hall mark of Akhtari camp. Molvi Nazir Ashraf Ridawi Nagpuri writes that Mufti Nizamuddin Ridawi has committed a blunder by stating that Salah need not be performed later. Molvi Nazir Ashraf Ridawi Nagpuri writes that this ‘sin’ of Mufti Nizamuddin Ridawi is such a ‘big sin’ that even if he prostates and asks forgivness from Allah for this ‘sin’, his ‘sin’ will not be forgiven! Molvi Nazir Ashraf Ridawi Nagpuri further writes that because of this ‘sin’ Mufti Mizamuddin Ridawi is no longer eligible to lead Salah! The important thing is that the book has been approved and signed by Mufti Akhtar Raza Khan Azhari Ridawi and Molvi Zia al Mustafa Ridawi, the chief fitna monger.

During the time of Mufti e Azam al Hind, Hazrat Mustafa Raza Khan Rh, two muftis differed with the fatwa of Mufti e Azam al Hind. Mufti Azmal Shah Naeemi Rh permitted photograph for Haj where as Mufti e Azam al Hind and other scholars of Ahlus sunnah didn’t permit photograph even for Hajj. Similarly Mufti Syed Afzal Hussain Mungeri Rh (Chief Mufti and teacher at Manzar e Islam, Bareilly and a Khalifa of Mufti e Azam) allowed Salah on loudspeaker where as Mufti e Azam Hindi didn’t agree to this. Because of these difference in the matters of jurisprudence Mufti e Azam Hind never asked these two muftis to do ‘tawba’ and never said that they are not eligible to lead Salah. In fact Mufti Syed Afzal Hussain continued to lead Salah in Manzar e Islam! A study of how fiqh evolved and developed will show that in matters of jurisprudence there has always been difference of opinion which has been accepted the ahlus sunnah, which is one of its hall mark. But sadly, the Akhtari cult is slipping away from ahlus Sunnah wal jamah and is evolving into a cult.

To the Murideen of Mufti Akhtar Rida Khan Azhari Ridawi and Molvi Zia al Mudtafa Ridawi

If any shame is left in the murideen of Akhtar Raza Azhari Ridawi and molvi Zia al Mustafa Ridawi, then tell us, from which principles of Hanafi fiqh can this verdict of Molvi Nazir Ashraf Ridawi be justified? How can Mufti Akhtar Raza Azhari Ridawi approve this book? How can a Sunni Mufti be not eligible to lead prayer if he has a difference of opinion in matters of Jurisprudence? It does not matter who is ‘correct’ on this issue of salah in a moving train , what matters is how come molvi Nazir Ashraf Ridawi Nagpuri know that Allah will not accept the repentance of Mufti Mizamuddin Ridawi even if he prostates and asks for forgiveness??

To those outside the Subcontinent

A few murideen of Mufti Akhtar Raza Khan living in England, South Africa and USA, have portayed Mufti Akhtar Raza Azhari Ridawi as a ‘giant faqih’ and a ‘wali’. The truth of the matter is that Mufti Akhtar Rida Azhari Ridawi is not more than a normal Mufti. He has accounts in greenway financial services; he is quiet on his relatives (Taqueer Raza ridawi) joining politics and sharing stage with non Muslims as as well as non Sunni. These murideen of Akhtar Raza Azhari Ridawi, are hyper active on facebook with human images. Most of them perform salah behind an imam on mic, where as their peer has declared salah on mic to be invalid and human photography to be haram! Their peer has issued a fatwa that blood transfusion is haram but they have no problem in receiving blood donation at times of need! Whenever some one is found to be working for ahlus Sunnah, Akhtar Raza Azhari Ridawi, bestows his ‘khilafat’ on him, so that later it can be said that such and such person was able to work because he had ‘spiritual favours’ from Akhtar Raza Khan Azhari Ridawi. A clear example in this regard is Syed Irfan Shah Mashahidi!

In the end, if any mureed of Mufti Akhtar Raza Azhari Ridawi can justify the fatwa of molvi Nazir Ashraf Ridawi, he is welcome to do in an Islamic manner, not in his Akhtari cult manner. And if the murideen agree that the fatwa of molvi Nazir Ashraf ridawi is wrong, then ask your peer Mufti Akhtra Raza Azhari Ridawi and his right hand molvi zia al Mustafa ridawi, as to why did they both approve this book?

What do we expect?

We expect the murideen to either go quiet or come out with lame excuses like; our peer sahab only approved the fatwa, but not the whole book! (Though, the contents are with in the fatwa itself). Mufti Akhtar Raza Azhari Ridawi has signed after hearing the fatwa and so has fitna monger molvi zia al mustafa ridawi.The Akhtari murideen are habitual liars. Last month when Mufti Akhtar Raza Azhari Ridawi was denied entry into the dargah at Ajmer Sharif, the Akhtari murideen were so shocked that two of them recorded a phoney conversation, where one acted as a ‘personal khadim’ of Mufti Akhtaz Raza Azhari Ridawi and other as an ‘ inquisitive caller’. The khadim denies any such claim and the whole conversation is then uploaded on the facebook!!! As per ‘khadim’ Mufti Akhtar Raza Azhari Ridawi ‘chose’ not to enter the dargah because it was the practice of his ancestors to recite fatiah from the gate itself. Interestingly, other murideen sent me email stating that the whole crowd was attracted towards our peer (seeing his beauty!) so our peer sahab entered dargah at a later stage.

We will keep you updating so as to prevent the spread of Akhtari cult.

Do remember me in your prayers.

Urdu readers can read the attached pdf for more info.


  1. What is the worldwide population of the mureeds of Sheikh Akhtar Raza and Sheikh Ziaul Mustufa? Is it more than 2 crores?

  2. This will be new height of exaggeration! Even if it were 20 crores, does that mean they can by pass shariah?

  3. Your anger against a grp of mureedeen is not justified to malign an image of a peer. A ROZA will not make a muslim deviant but your jealousy of a peer is horryfying means u dont have any fear of the day of judgement


  4. don't hide your identity; if youve enough audacity then expose your name.


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