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Akhtari cult's photoshop editing !

Akhtari cult's photoshop editing !

Mufti Akhtar Raza/ Rida Khan Azhari Ridawi , the founder of Akhtari cult is suffering from a skin disease called Albinism. As a result of this he has lost his eye sight and hearing power. But his cult members do not suffer from this physical deficiency. Rather, they have a spiritual disease of calling muslims of ahlus sunnah ( sunni muslims ) as 'sulah kullis', which is a deviant and misguided sect.As a result of this, day by day most of the leading sunni scholars and khanqas are keeping distance from this Akhtari cult. The number of visitors attending Urs e Ridawi is decreasing day by day due to this reason.

In order to over come this embarrassment the Akhtari cult came out with two cunning method involving lies and forgery, which is a hall mark of the Akhtari cult. We will prove these lies with evidence.

First, an organization associated with Akhtari cult , released a poster just before Urs e Ridawi 1436 AH/ 2014 CE ( 17, 18 and 19 Dec 2014) stating that many leading scholars from Pakistan, such as Mufti Haneef Qureshi,Peer Sayyed Irfan Shah Mashadi, Abdul Wahid Rabbani , Ashraf jalaali and Mufti Abbas Razvi are going to participate this year in the Urs e Ridawi, at Barielly Sherif. The general population of India listens to the speech and lecture of these Pakistani scholars. This news was spread across India through SMS and Whats App, with the intention of drawing more and more crowd at Bareilly.

But we knew that since most of these scholars come on TV/Video and some of them have no problem with dancing in the gathering of sama with musical instrument (audition), they cannot be invited by Akhtari cult or else Mufti Akhatar Rida Khan Azhari Ridawi will be in great trouble, as he has issued a fatwa stating use of TV channels ( with human face/ person) even for teaching Islamic manners is haram( forbidden). How could he allow practitioner of these haram acts in his gathering?

Upon investigation it was found that this poster was released only to fool Sunni population so that huge crowd turns up at the Urs gathering. Now that the Urs is over and none of these scholars attended it, people are asking questions. The organizers, who are known to be habitual liars, are lying that there was some Visa problem, hence Pakistani scholars could not turn up for the occasion!The fact is that none of these Pakistani scholars were invited or were even aware that there name is being used at Bareilly to gather public!!! We have attached the scan of this poster.

Now coming to the second lie of Akhtari cult. As we have discussed above, day by day , people are staying away from Urs e Ridawi, due to Akhtari cult.If you ask any member of the Akhtari cult about the total crowd present at the Urs gathering , they will give you mind boggling and exaggerated figure to prove that the function organized by their cult was a great success!!You can try this by asking this question to any member of the Akhtari cult.

This year the crowd at Urs e Ridawi was very less when compared to the previous years. The members of the Akhtari cult who are active on internet came up with a plan to hide this fact and make it appear that the crowd was very large! So what did they do??? Hold fast and don't fall off your chair when you catch their lie!

Narendra Modi,an anti Muslim leader and a leader of the right wing hindu party delivered a speech at the city of Patna a few months back. There was a huge crowd at this rally . The members of the Akhtari cult used this pic and wrote " ala hazrat ke urs pur awwam ka samandar " ( An ocean of people at the Urs of Ala Hazrat)!! One of the cult member wrote "30 lac" people gathered at Urs e Ridawi!! Imagine this lie read by some one who participated at this Urs every year!!

This image is presently spreading like a wild fire among the Akhtari cult members on social media ! We have provided the screen shots from face book pages of a few notorious Akhtari cult members along with the web link of the original image!!!

In sha Allah, we will later post report from the Urs e Ridawi 1436/2014


  1. but what about the times of india report?

    times of india also reported that 25 lacs people came to urs-e-ridawi. i got the newspaper clip on whatsapp

    1. That is an exaggeration by Times of India. The crowd was around 2.5- 3 Lacs. TOINS took this figure from Akhtari cult members who have a habit of showing this urs gathering on par with Hajj gathering. Senior Akhatri cult members were shocked to read 25 lacs. Even if 25 lacs is accepted that won't legitimize photoshop forgery.

  2. Nice try but the poster with the names of Pakistani speakers was for the event held my Mannani Miyan - a self proclaimed supporter of Dawat e Islami and far from a member of the "Azhari cult".

    Need to try harder son.

  3. It seems you have been hurt. But I will continue to expose Akhtari cult.

    You need to read the post again. It was said <<< an organization associated with Akhtari cult , released a poster >>> Had it been an event organised by the cult it self ( that is Mufti Akhtar raza group) then there was no need to write" associated with Akhtari cult".
    Second, you need to bring sharii evidence that Mawlana Mannani Miyan is a supporter of Dawat e Islami. The opposite can be read/ heard here

    Third, Akhtari cult has not issued any fatwa against Mannani Miyan for more serious crime(when compared to supporting TV/Video) in which a FIR has been lodged against him. You might like to investigate rape charges against him filed by a sunni alima who happens to be a wife of a sunni alim. Hope you will do your homework.

    Fourth, Mannani Miyan openly sings songs in praise of Mufti Akhtar Raza . The latter has not issued any fatwa/ statement against him. Mannani miyan is a die hard supporter of Mufti Akhtar Raza.

    Your usage of 'son' shows how much you are hurt. Keep visiting this blog, more things in pipeline.

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