Akhtari Function on 1st March 2015 at Delhi
Members of the Akhtari cult have decided to organize an international conference at New Delhi, India on 1st of March 2015. The poster released for this function can be seen below
As can be seen , the poster states : Published by “ Mufti Shahzad Husain Barkati and “Quari Wajhul Quamar Barkati “. Among the international invitees , one of the names mentioned on the poster is “ Muhammad Owais Raza Quadri” from Pakistan. The poster states that the event will be attended by Mufti Akhtar Raza( Khan) Quadri Azhari (Ridawi).
But how can Mufti Akhtar Raza Khan Azhari Ridawi ,who has declared digital photography and videography to be haram ( forbidden) share stage with Owais Raza Quadri who comes on Q TV and gets his function recorded through digital videography? The members of the Aktari cult must explain the shari’i ruling regarding giving respect and sharing stage with some one who commits a haram act openly.
It does not mean that Mufti Akhtar Raza Azhari Ridawi will come on stage after Owais Raza has performed .In this way he will escape sharing the stage with Owais Raza ! The fact is that till now Owais Raza has not been contacted to attend this function. The Visa has not been applied as of now. There is a strong probability that at the last minute it will be stated by the organizers that due to diplomatic hastles Visa could not be granted ! But this will be stated just one day before the event. What is the reason? The reason being the big fan following of Owais Raza. New Delhi has a thin sunni population, which means the crowd at the event will be less. If Owais Raza’s name is thrown in the air, people from different parts of India will come to attend the function. We still have around two weeks for the organizers to apply Visa for Owais Raza. Lets hope he gets Visa on time, altough the chances are very bleak. As per relaible sources from Mohalla Saudagaran ( Bareilly) even Mufti Akhtar Raza Azhari Ridawi’s participation is not confirmed.
Another interesting fact about which most people are unware is that the main people behind this event are Molvi Shoeb Raza Naeemi Ridawi(Son in law of Mufti Akhtar Raza Azhari Ridawi) based at Delhi and Molvi Shahabuddin Ridawi ( Manager of Mufti Akhtar Raza Azhari Ridawi). In the last state election Shahabuddin Ridawi tried desperately to get a Congress party ticket from the city of Baharaich but was denied. These people have not mentioned their names on the poster because it will be a big problem for them to justify the names of invitees. We will discuss about this politics in future along with the reason for giving the names of two people on poster with ‘barkati’ affliation.
Why has this function been organized?
A new government has been formed at Delhi. Akhtari cult wants to make this event as a show of strength to get closer to the new government.
One of the names mentioned on the poster is Shaykh Mahmud Effendi from Turkey. There is a big politics behind inviting him. Though, his chance of attending the function is very very thin.
Shaykh Mahmud Effendi is a leading scholar from Turkey. He is associated with Naqshbandi Sufi chain and is considered by many Sunni Arab scholars to be the mujaddid (reviver) of the fifteenth century Islamic Hijri. He can be seen on many You Tube Videos. On 16 Zil Qadah, 1431 (October 24, 2010) approximately 400 renowned and respected members of the ulama (scholars) came from 43 countries to meet in Istanbul; they declared that Shaykh Mahmud Efendi was the Mujaddid (Reviver) of the 15th Hijri / 21st Gregorian Century and presented to him “Outstanding Service to Humanity Award. It can be seen here
Since he is based in Turkey, he is not aware about the kufr and deviant beliefs of Deobandi scholars such as Ashraf Ali thanvi, Qasim Nanotvi and others. He often shares stage with leading deobandi scholars across the globe and accepts awards bestowed by the deobandi scholars. In 2013 deobandis bestowed the annual “Imam Muhammad Qasim Nanotwi Award” to Shaykh Mahmud Effendi as can be read here
A few years back Shaykh Mahmud Effendi declared Qasim Nanotvi to be the mujaddid of the fourteenth century. This video was available on the internet, but has been removed now
In August 2014 Mufti Akhtar Raza Azhari Ridawi met Shaykh Mahmud Effendi in Turkey. The Sunni population asked the Akhtari cult members that how can Mufti Akhtar Raza Azhari Ridawi meet Shaykh Mahmud Effendi, who not only shares stage with Deobandi scholars but also accepts award bestowed by them? The Akhtari cult members were quick to come with a reply that since Shaykh Mahmud Effendi is not from India he does not know the deviant and kufr beliefs of deobandis. The cult members said that Mufti Akhtar Raza Azhari Ridawi has told all the deviant beliefs of Deobandi scholars to Shaykh Mahmud Deobandi.
We believe that now Shaykh Mahmud Deobandi has been made aware about the Kufr of Deobandi scholars and he considers Ashraf Ali Thanvi and Qasim Nantovi to be Kafir. If this is not the case, then how else will he be invited to the event when he still considers Ashraf Ali Thanvi and Qasim Nanotvi to be “great scholars of Islam”?
This implies that Shaykh Mahmud Effendi should declare that all his previous praise about Deobandi scholars was due to his ignorance about the deobandis. He should decalare that he now considers Ashraf Ali Thanvi and Qasim Nanotvi to be deviant and Kafir. He should explicitly state that his writings in praise of Deobandi should be deleted or should not be considered his opinion from now onwards. Shaykh Mahmud Effendi has written an eighteen volume Turkish tafsir called Ruh al-Furqan. On page 724 of Volume 4 of this tafsir he cites the treatise of Zakariyya Kandhalawi (of Tablighi Jamaat) on the beard and introduces him as "Imam, Muhaddith and Allama." At the same page he also cites Ashraf Ali Thanwi as "Shaykh al-Masha'ikh".
Akhtari cult members should note that since these words of praise about deobandi scholars are present in tafsir, which has been published, so any announcement regarding Shaykh Mahmud Effendi departing or abandoning his previous views about deobandi scholars should also be made in public writing. This has to be done before he participates in the event organized by the Akhtaris. The issue of Shaykh Mahmud Effendi getting his lecture and meetings recorded through digital camera is something Akhtaris should think about.
This invitation is also seen as a future game plan to declare Mufti Akhtar Raza Azhari Ridawi as a “grand saint”! Mufti Akhtar Raza Azhari Ridawi might bestow his ‘khilafat’ upon Shaykh Mhamud Effendi. This means in future, the murideen (followers) of Mufti Akhtar Raza Azhari Ridawi will propogate that Shaykh Mahmud Effendi received spiritual blessings (faid) from Mufti Akhtar Raza Azhari Ridawi! Since Akhtaris have already decalred Mufti e Adham Hind Hazrat Mutafa Raza Khan Rahmatullah alayh (died 1402/1981) to be the mujaddid (reviver) of the fifteenth centuty it is very difficult for them to declare Mufti Akhtar Raza Azhari Ridawi to be the Mujaddid of the fifteenth century. But there is a way out for Akhtaris! Mulla Ali Qari and other scholars have said that there can be more than one mujaddid in a century. So if Shaykh Mahmud Effendi can be the mujaddid ( reviver) of the fifteenth century along with Mufti e Adham Hazrat Mutafa Raza Khan Rahmatullah, then why not one more mujaddid? After all Mulla Ali Qari has written that there can be more than one mujaddid in a century! In future Akhtaris will either declare Mufti Akhtar Raza Azhari Ridawi to be another mujaddid of the fifteenth century or propogate that Shaykh Mahmud Efendi received spiritual blessings from Mufti Akhtar Raza Azhari Ridawi.
As per our calculation none of three that is, Shaykh Mahmud Effendi, Owais Raza and Mufti Akhtar Raza Azhari Ridawi will attend the event. Shaykh Hisham Kabbani Naqshabandi was in India a few months back. Let us see if Shaykh Mahmud Effendi Naqshbandi visits India or not. The organizers will keep assuring about the participation of Owais Raza till the last monment to gather crowd due to his popularity.
Let’s wait and watch.
Members of the Akhtari cult have decided to organize an international conference at New Delhi, India on 1st of March 2015. The poster released for this function can be seen below

As can be seen , the poster states : Published by “ Mufti Shahzad Husain Barkati and “Quari Wajhul Quamar Barkati “. Among the international invitees , one of the names mentioned on the poster is “ Muhammad Owais Raza Quadri” from Pakistan. The poster states that the event will be attended by Mufti Akhtar Raza( Khan) Quadri Azhari (Ridawi).
But how can Mufti Akhtar Raza Khan Azhari Ridawi ,who has declared digital photography and videography to be haram ( forbidden) share stage with Owais Raza Quadri who comes on Q TV and gets his function recorded through digital videography? The members of the Aktari cult must explain the shari’i ruling regarding giving respect and sharing stage with some one who commits a haram act openly.
It does not mean that Mufti Akhtar Raza Azhari Ridawi will come on stage after Owais Raza has performed .In this way he will escape sharing the stage with Owais Raza ! The fact is that till now Owais Raza has not been contacted to attend this function. The Visa has not been applied as of now. There is a strong probability that at the last minute it will be stated by the organizers that due to diplomatic hastles Visa could not be granted ! But this will be stated just one day before the event. What is the reason? The reason being the big fan following of Owais Raza. New Delhi has a thin sunni population, which means the crowd at the event will be less. If Owais Raza’s name is thrown in the air, people from different parts of India will come to attend the function. We still have around two weeks for the organizers to apply Visa for Owais Raza. Lets hope he gets Visa on time, altough the chances are very bleak. As per relaible sources from Mohalla Saudagaran ( Bareilly) even Mufti Akhtar Raza Azhari Ridawi’s participation is not confirmed.
Another interesting fact about which most people are unware is that the main people behind this event are Molvi Shoeb Raza Naeemi Ridawi(Son in law of Mufti Akhtar Raza Azhari Ridawi) based at Delhi and Molvi Shahabuddin Ridawi ( Manager of Mufti Akhtar Raza Azhari Ridawi). In the last state election Shahabuddin Ridawi tried desperately to get a Congress party ticket from the city of Baharaich but was denied. These people have not mentioned their names on the poster because it will be a big problem for them to justify the names of invitees. We will discuss about this politics in future along with the reason for giving the names of two people on poster with ‘barkati’ affliation.
Why has this function been organized?
A new government has been formed at Delhi. Akhtari cult wants to make this event as a show of strength to get closer to the new government.
One of the names mentioned on the poster is Shaykh Mahmud Effendi from Turkey. There is a big politics behind inviting him. Though, his chance of attending the function is very very thin.
Shaykh Mahmud Effendi is a leading scholar from Turkey. He is associated with Naqshbandi Sufi chain and is considered by many Sunni Arab scholars to be the mujaddid (reviver) of the fifteenth century Islamic Hijri. He can be seen on many You Tube Videos. On 16 Zil Qadah, 1431 (October 24, 2010) approximately 400 renowned and respected members of the ulama (scholars) came from 43 countries to meet in Istanbul; they declared that Shaykh Mahmud Efendi was the Mujaddid (Reviver) of the 15th Hijri / 21st Gregorian Century and presented to him “Outstanding Service to Humanity Award. It can be seen here
Since he is based in Turkey, he is not aware about the kufr and deviant beliefs of Deobandi scholars such as Ashraf Ali thanvi, Qasim Nanotvi and others. He often shares stage with leading deobandi scholars across the globe and accepts awards bestowed by the deobandi scholars. In 2013 deobandis bestowed the annual “Imam Muhammad Qasim Nanotwi Award” to Shaykh Mahmud Effendi as can be read here
A few years back Shaykh Mahmud Effendi declared Qasim Nanotvi to be the mujaddid of the fourteenth century. This video was available on the internet, but has been removed now
In August 2014 Mufti Akhtar Raza Azhari Ridawi met Shaykh Mahmud Effendi in Turkey. The Sunni population asked the Akhtari cult members that how can Mufti Akhtar Raza Azhari Ridawi meet Shaykh Mahmud Effendi, who not only shares stage with Deobandi scholars but also accepts award bestowed by them? The Akhtari cult members were quick to come with a reply that since Shaykh Mahmud Effendi is not from India he does not know the deviant and kufr beliefs of deobandis. The cult members said that Mufti Akhtar Raza Azhari Ridawi has told all the deviant beliefs of Deobandi scholars to Shaykh Mahmud Deobandi.
We believe that now Shaykh Mahmud Deobandi has been made aware about the Kufr of Deobandi scholars and he considers Ashraf Ali Thanvi and Qasim Nantovi to be Kafir. If this is not the case, then how else will he be invited to the event when he still considers Ashraf Ali Thanvi and Qasim Nanotvi to be “great scholars of Islam”?
This implies that Shaykh Mahmud Effendi should declare that all his previous praise about Deobandi scholars was due to his ignorance about the deobandis. He should decalare that he now considers Ashraf Ali Thanvi and Qasim Nanotvi to be deviant and Kafir. He should explicitly state that his writings in praise of Deobandi should be deleted or should not be considered his opinion from now onwards. Shaykh Mahmud Effendi has written an eighteen volume Turkish tafsir called Ruh al-Furqan. On page 724 of Volume 4 of this tafsir he cites the treatise of Zakariyya Kandhalawi (of Tablighi Jamaat) on the beard and introduces him as "Imam, Muhaddith and Allama." At the same page he also cites Ashraf Ali Thanwi as "Shaykh al-Masha'ikh".
Akhtari cult members should note that since these words of praise about deobandi scholars are present in tafsir, which has been published, so any announcement regarding Shaykh Mahmud Effendi departing or abandoning his previous views about deobandi scholars should also be made in public writing. This has to be done before he participates in the event organized by the Akhtaris. The issue of Shaykh Mahmud Effendi getting his lecture and meetings recorded through digital camera is something Akhtaris should think about.
This invitation is also seen as a future game plan to declare Mufti Akhtar Raza Azhari Ridawi as a “grand saint”! Mufti Akhtar Raza Azhari Ridawi might bestow his ‘khilafat’ upon Shaykh Mhamud Effendi. This means in future, the murideen (followers) of Mufti Akhtar Raza Azhari Ridawi will propogate that Shaykh Mahmud Effendi received spiritual blessings (faid) from Mufti Akhtar Raza Azhari Ridawi! Since Akhtaris have already decalred Mufti e Adham Hind Hazrat Mutafa Raza Khan Rahmatullah alayh (died 1402/1981) to be the mujaddid (reviver) of the fifteenth centuty it is very difficult for them to declare Mufti Akhtar Raza Azhari Ridawi to be the Mujaddid of the fifteenth century. But there is a way out for Akhtaris! Mulla Ali Qari and other scholars have said that there can be more than one mujaddid in a century. So if Shaykh Mahmud Effendi can be the mujaddid ( reviver) of the fifteenth century along with Mufti e Adham Hazrat Mutafa Raza Khan Rahmatullah, then why not one more mujaddid? After all Mulla Ali Qari has written that there can be more than one mujaddid in a century! In future Akhtaris will either declare Mufti Akhtar Raza Azhari Ridawi to be another mujaddid of the fifteenth century or propogate that Shaykh Mahmud Efendi received spiritual blessings from Mufti Akhtar Raza Azhari Ridawi.
As per our calculation none of three that is, Shaykh Mahmud Effendi, Owais Raza and Mufti Akhtar Raza Azhari Ridawi will attend the event. Shaykh Hisham Kabbani Naqshabandi was in India a few months back. Let us see if Shaykh Mahmud Effendi Naqshbandi visits India or not. The organizers will keep assuring about the participation of Owais Raza till the last monment to gather crowd due to his popularity.
Let’s wait and watch.
Assalamualaikum bhai...can u plz contact me...
Assalamualaikum bhai...can u plz contact me...
Clarifying an accusation levelled against Tajush Shariah
ReplyDeleteOn the 1st of March, we came across an English article regarding a conference that was held in Dehli. From it we found out many things about the conference, and that is judging this document from a positive perspective. Additionally in this document, the writer has repeatedly mentioned Huzoor Tajush Shari’ah (Allah preserve him) and has held him accountable for many such things that he was unaware of. The writer himself has admitted that the attendance of Huzoor Tajush Shari’ah was not confirmed. The writer revealed through his document the supposed motive of Mawlana Shahabuddin and Mawlana Shu’ayb Raza behind organising the conference. We are unaware of what the real situation actually is.
The attendance of the scholars of Ahl al-Sunnah was solely upon the basis that it is a Sunni conference. They fully refuted Sulh-kulliyat and persuaded the public to stay firm upon the methodology [Maslak] of Ahl e Sunnat Wa Jama’at. Huzoor Tajush Shari’ah, briefly in a few words, also placed emphasis on abstaining from Sulh-kulliyat and expressed his unawareness too. Regarding the motives of the conference the writer has expressed, it is his duty that instead of placing the responsibility on someone else, he should find out about the situation from those who he has mentioned.
Shaykh Mahmood Affendi has reached that phase in life where one cannot ask him anything. The one close to him, Shaykh Jabbali has expressed his hatred towards Qasim Nanotwi and other Deobandis, and he has expressed his agreement and devotion with A’la Hazrat in creed [Aqa’id]. Thus whatever the writer has penned regarding Shaykh Mahmood Affendi, from it there can be no accusation levelled against Huzoor Tajush Shari’ah. Moreover, Shaykh Mahmood Affendi is unaware of the disbeliefs [Kufriyat] of the Deobandis, as we have learned from his close student. Additionally, the exegesis [Tafsir] mentioned, neither we nor our Shaykh has seen it. If the writer wishes, in this regard, to take up the matter by investigating, then he should contact the followers of Shaykh Mahmood Affendi present in Turkey, and if he desires to express hatred from his heart through fictitious words, he is free and may say whatever he wishes.
Another important point is that there was no plan whatsoever to call Huzoor Tajush Shari’ah a Mujaddid.
An additional responsibility upon the writer is that he should ask the organisers why they included the names of those who would not be able to attend.
Thank You for your clarification .In sha Allah ,we shall show the inaccuracy in your analysis.
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