Abdul Sattar Hamdani- Another Fitna Monger Molvi Abdul Sattar Hamdani Ridawi, living in Porbandar, is a molvi from Mufti Akhtar Raza Khan camp,is known for his ill manners, foul language and cheap talks. He along with molvi Ghayasuddin is playing the dirty trick of calling Dawate Islami as a ‘terrorist organisation’ whose head quarters is in Pakistan. Readers will be well aware that the relation between Indian and Pakistan is sour due to many historic and political reasons. Anything related with Pakistan is seen with suspicion in India. Since these cheap molvis were unable to stop the growing popularity and Islamic work of Dawate Islami, they started calling ‘Dawate Islami’ as a ‘terrorist organization’ so that Indian Government starts harassing Dawate Islami. Molvi Abdul Sattar Hamadani has made fun of Shaykh Ilyas Attar Qadri in many of his speeches, which can be heard online. Interestingly, Abdul Sattar hamadani ridawi does not mind coming on video and has got many of his videos...