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Racial abuse on Mawlana Yaseen Akhtar Misbahi by Molvi Zia Al Mustafa and his Gang

Racial abuse on Mawlana Yaseen Akhtar Misbahi by Molvi Zia Al Mustafa and his Gang

Many years back molvi Zia al Mustafa resigned from Jamia Ashrafia Mubaraka, which is the most prestigious Sunni Islamic university in India. Some say, he was sacked due to his anti university activities such as promoting sectarianism among the students and the staff. Molvi Zia al Mustafa soon established closed ties with Mufti Ahtar Raza Khan and started his campaign against Jamia Ashrafia. He succeeded in dividing the Sunni scholars into two camps; viz; Bareilly camp and Ashrafia camp. Bareilly camp has many molvis who abuse DI (Dawate Islami) and SDI (Sunni Dawate Islami). The leading members of this group are molvi Zia al mustafa, Shoeb Raza, Sanabil Raza, Shamail Raza, Idress Raza, Ghayasuddin, Molvi Hussaini Nagpuri, Molvi Siraj Azhar, Rahmatullah Siddiqui etc. Recently, before Urs e Ridawi, molvi Hussaini Nagpuri issued an oral verdict in a full public gathering that donations to Jamia Ashrafia Mubarakpur are haram!! Molvi Zia al mustafa was present in this function. Molvi Hussaini Nagpui bestowed “Khilafat” upon Rahmatullah siddiqui for his cheap books! These molvis often accuse Sunni population of being “Sulah Kulli”.

Mawlana Yaseen Akhtar Misbahi, a world renowed Sunni scholar who has spent his entire life in spreading the teachings of Imam Ahmad Raza Khan (Rh) wrote “Irfan e Mazhab wa Maslak” in which he cautioned people not to accuse any one of being “ Sulah Kulli” unless one has Islamic legal evidence for this . Molvi Zia al Mustafa and his Gang did not like this and soon started racial abuse on Mawlana Yaseen Akhtar Misbahi. Since Mawlana Yaseen Akhtar is dark and has lost sight in one eye, Molvi Shamshad, a close aid of Molvi Zia al Mustafa wrote a book entitled “ Mazhab wa Maslak ka Haqeeqi Irfan’. Molvi Zia al mustafa and his gang consider this book to be a ‘refutation’ of Mawlana Yaseen Akhtar’s book! The fact of the matter is that this book does not have any academic material but only personal attack on Mawlana Yaseen Akhtar Misbahi. The cover page of the book has this line: “Dil hai Kala, Kaan Bahra, Aankh bhi achhi naheen” which translates as “Heart is black, deaf in ears and eyes too are not good”. This personal attack was not enough. Molvi Shamshad finished his book by accusing Mawlana Yaseen Akhtar of accepting money from deobandis, shias etc. This is a severe accusation which can never be proved. Molvi Zia al Mustafa and his gang distributed this book across India.

But this did not satisfy Molvi Zia al Mustafa and he continued his abusive attack on Sunni scholars. During the Urs at Bareilly (1435 AH) he attacked Mawlana Yaseen Akhtar Misbahi in his speech. Molvi Zia al Mustafa said that “Molvi Yaseen Akhtar has named his book as ‘Irfan e Mazhab wa Maslak’ in fact it should be ‘La Irfan’ because it is against sunni belief. It is like a dark black, one eyed boy is named (Hazrat) Yusuf alayhis salam. ” This speech is available on Jamiaturraza website. The supporters of Zia al Mustafa argue that “dark black and one eyed” was not meant for Mawlana Yaseen Akhtar Misbahi( and it is only a coincidence!!!) but was meant to prove the beauty of Hazrat Yusuf alayhis salam. Any sincere reader can decide about this matter. This argument is wrong because when an author decides title / name of his book, the name either is an explanation of the content of the book or at least hints towards the matter contained in the book. On the other hand, when parents name their child ‘Abu Bakr’, it does not mean that the child is born ‘truthful’; instead the parents want the child to be like Hazrat Abu Bakr siddiq Rd. It is in a hadith that we should choose good names for our children. Hence this interpretation by followers of Molvi Zia al Mustafa is wrong. More ever, it is known that molvi zia al Mustafa uses foul and cheap language. He distributed the book written by molvi shamshad in which the black colour and eye sight of Mawlana Yaseen Akhtar has been mentioned on the cover page. We have mentioned this above.

Insha Allah, we will soon upload more materials to expose low standard of molvi Zia al Mustafa and his gang.


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