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Zia al Mustafa exposed

How Molvi Zia al Mustafa was put to shame!

Zial al Mustafa provides platform and support to any one who wants to become a ‘peer’ overnight! Some of the cheap molvis attach themselves to Molvi Zial al Mustafa and his gang so that they can get cheap publicity. One such molvi is Anees alam siwani (Bihari). When he was a student, molvi Anees alam siwani was sacked from Ashrafia Mubarakpur because he was found using fake identity to access facilities meant for international students. Later he joined a deobandi madarsa in Lucknow to obtain a certificate of molvi. As we have explained in our other article that Zia al Mustafa is taking revenge against Ashrafia Mubarakpur, so Molvi Anees Alam was a natural choice for Molvi Zia Al Mustafa to carry out his campaign against Jamia Ashrafia. Molvi Anees Alam Siwani wrote ‘Aiyna e Sulahkulliyat’ in which he accused Mawlana Yaseen Akhtar Misbahi and other scholars of promoting ‘sullah kulliyat’. On page 69-70 of this book (Third edition) he lists names of those scholars who do not understand the difference between halal and haram. He then attacks Mufti Abdul Haleem Nagpuri, Shareh Bukhari Mufti Sharif al haq Amjadi (Rh) and Mawlana Mohammad Ahmad Misbahi (Principal Jamia Ashrafia). This book was distributed free of cost at Mumbai and many other places by molvi Zia al mustafa. At Urs e Ridawi this was the main attraction of Molvi Zia al Mustafa gang! With in Mumbai it was distributed freely at Kurla and Govandi. Readers will be well aware that Mufti Sharif al Haq Amjadi (Rh) was a great scholar of Ahlus Sunnah. He not only wrote a commentary to Bukhari sheriff but also wrote many other books of fiqh, hadith. He refuted deobandis, ahle hadith and other deviant sects. His hatred for Jamia Ashrafia let molvi Anees Alam to attach even such a great scholar! And molvi zia almustafa in his grudge against Jamia Ashrafia did not mind this attack!!

Now read the interesting part ahead!!

A few months after this book was published, there was Urs of Mufti Sharif al Haq Amjadi (Rh) at Ghosi. The Urs function is performed by Dr Muhib al Haq, who is the son of Mufti Shari al Haq Amjadi (Rh). Dr Muhib al Haq was well aware about this book ‘Aiyna e Sulahkulliyat’ which contained attack on his father. He knew that this book was distributed freely by Molvi Zia al Mustafa in Mumbai and other cities. Molvi Zia al Mustafa is from the same town Ghosi!! Ghosi is a small town in the state of Uttar Pradesh and is approx 2000 Km from Mumbai.Molvi Zia al Mustafa never thought that his evil actions in Mumbai would be known by the inhabitants of Ghosi. Molvi Zia al Mustafa arrived at the town of Ghosi to participate in the Urs function and was sitting on the stage.Dr Muhib al Haq (Son of Mufti Sharif al Haq) took this opportunity to expose the double standard of Molvi Zia al Mustafa! There were many speakers on the occasion of Urs. When it was the turn of Molvi Zia al Mustafa, Dr Muhib al Haq came on the mic and said “Recetly a fitnagar molvi named Anees Alam siwani has wriiten a book attacking my father, Mufti Sharif al Haq Amjadi… I want Zia al Mustafa sahib to talk on this matter”. Molvi Zia al mustafa was taken aback! Never in his dream had he thought that he will be put in such a difficult position! But molvi zia al mustaf is an old player! He doesn’t mind lying even in his eighties! He came on the mic and said “I told the author Anees Alam to remove the name of Mufti Sharif al Amjadi…but he did not listen to me”. Now the cat was out in the open! Molvi Zia al mustaf was exposed in front of a huge gathering! If any one wishes to ascertain the truth of this matter, he can directly contact Dr Muhib al Haq or any local Muslim from Ghosi who was present at this function! More than hundres people will testify to this public lying of molvi zia al Mustafa! If Molvi Zia al Mustafa did not approve this book, why did he distribute it in Mumbai??

Molvi Zia al mustafa soon realized that now his evil doings are exposed. He quietly asked molvi Anees Alam to replace the name of Mufti Sharif al Haq Amjadi (Rh) with Mawlana Abdul Mobin nomani, who is one of the learned and popular scholars from Ashrafia Mubarakpur. Hence, in the later edition the name was replaced, without informing the readers or publishing his tawba (repentence) for accusing a great Sunni deceased scholar.

We have attached scans from both the editions.

We sincerely hope that molvi zia al Mustafa and molvi Anees Alam siwani will repent, without being arrogant. This is better for them and for all of us.


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