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The "B" team of Akhtari Camp

The Entire Azhari camp felt bad when Mawlana Yaseen Akhtar Misbahi wrote a book entitled "Irfan e Mazhab wa Maslak". The Camp Chief Mufti Akhtar Raza Khan Azhari Ridawi and Second in Command Molvi Zia al Mustafa Ridawi made verbal attacks not only on this book but also on the looks,personality and the physical appearance of Mawlana Yaseen Akhtar Misbahi.

Ignoring every personal attack,Mawlana Yaseen Akhtar Misbahi wrote that if anyone can prove that if there is any shari'i mistake in his book or anything which is against the beliefs of ahlus sunnah, he will not only make a public tawba (repentance) in the written and oral form but will also remove those passages from the book.

Mawlana Yaseen Akhtar Misbahi, wrote letters to people associated with Akhtari Camp and talked on phone with Molvi Asjad Raza Ridawi about the supposed mistakes in his book. He requested that his mistake be pointed out in the written form or else those who accused him of propagating anti-sunni beliefs through his book, should make tawba. All these writings are available on our blog.

Soon Mufti Akhtar Raza Khan Azhari Ridawi and Molvi Zia al Mustafa Ridawi realized that since they are the top brass of this camp, it is their responsibility to release a written statement regarding the book "Irfan e Mazhab wa Maslak. It was also their shari'i responsibility since both of them made public verbal attack on this book and its writer. But they both knew that if they release a written statement against this book, it will not stand anywhere as per principles of jurisprudence since the book does not contain anything against sunni beliefs.

So the Akhtari camp asked its " B" team to tackle this issue, to save its face from embarrassment. There are many second and third grade molvis in the " B' team of Akhtari camp. But the chief among them are :

1)Molvi Ghayasuddin Ridawi of Kalpi ( Who openly makes fun of Shaykh Ilyas Attar Qadri. His speech recordings are available )

2)Molvi Anees Alam Siwani Ridawi ( Who wrote in his book that Mawlana Yaseen Akhtar is one eyed dajjal and yazeed)

3)Molvi Hussaini Ridawi Nagppuri ( Who openly said that giving chanda ( donation) to Ashrafia Mubarakpur is Haram)

4)Molvi Nazir Ashraf Ridawi Nagpuri ( About him see, see below, for details)

5)Molvi Shamashad Ridawi Badayuni ( Who made racial attack on Mawlana Yaseen Akhtar in his book)

6) Siddique Baba and his group at Baharaich ( we call this Baharaichi group)

Siddique Baba is based at Baharaich town. He is not a certified aalim, but is an expert in making amulets and earns lots of money by this profession. Mufti Akhtar Raza Khan Azhari Ridawi has given him some responsibility related with Qudaat of Baharaich . He runs a madarsa, in which he has employed those who are loyal to Akhtari camp.

7)Molvi Siraj Azhar Ridawi of Phool Gali mumbai

8)Molvi Idress Raza Hashmati Ridawi

9)Molvi Sanabil Raza Hashmati Ridawi

10)Molvi Shamail Raza Hashmati Ridawi

etc etc.

Off late, Molvi number 7 to 10 have kept a distance from Akhtari camp due to some internal dispute in the camp. We will talk about this some other time, in sha Allah.

We can discuss each of the molvis mentioned above. About their personal life, their marriages, their court cases, their daughters and grand daughters going to English school in skirt etc etc. But we are not like Akhtari cult members who make personal attacks. So we will stick to the legal issue at hand.

The Akhtari camp chose Molvi Shamashad Ridawi Badayuni and Baharaich camp (of Siddique Baba) to refute Mawlana Yaseen Akhtar Misbahi.

Molvi Shamashad Ridawi Badayuni wrote an entire book against Mawlana Yaseen Akhtar Misbahi. The book has racial abuse againt Mawlana Yaseen Akhtar and has accused him of taking money from "badmazhab", an accusation which he could not prove. Here is a sample from this book.

The Baharaich group ( lead by Siddique Babab) of Akhtari camp issued a fatwa stating that the book Irfan e Maslak wa Mazhab is anti-sunni and has shown disrepect to sunni scholars.The 3 page fatwa can be seen here

Our readers must remember the reason as to why were these two chosen to refute Mawlana Yaseen Akhtar Misbahi. In case you have forgotten, then recall, that Mawlana Yaseen Akhtar said that if there is anything in his book which is against the shariah then he is ready to make public repentance and if not, then those who have accused him, will have to make public repentance!!! Since Mufti Akhtar Raza Azhari Ridawi and Molvi Zia ul Mustafa Ridawi made public verbal attack on the book, and could not provide any evidence against the book in written form, they wanted to shift the focus now !!

Molvi Shamshad Ridawi Badayuni and Baharaich camp was asked to refute Mawlana Yaseen Akhtar Misbahi in written form so that Mawlana Yaseen Akhtar Misbahi makes a counter reply and the focus shifts from Zia ul Mustafa Ridawi to Molvi Shamshad and Baharaichi group!!

Anyways, there is nothing worth replying or refuting in the book of Molvi Shamshad Ridawi or Baharaichi group fatwa, so it was never taken seriously by the scholars.

Molvi Nazir Ashraf Ridawi Nagpuri

While the issue regarding the book " Irfan e Mazhab wa Maslak "( Author: Mawlana Yaseen Akhtar Misbahi) was still hot among the Indian Sunni scholars, another issue related with jurisprudence cropped up in the scholastic circle. This was regarding salah performed on a moving train in the present conditions in India. Again, on this issue there was difference of opinion between the Akhtari Camp and the scholars of Al Jamia al Ashrafia Mubarakpur. Mufti Nizamuddin Misbahi, from Jamia Ashrafia Mubarakpur issued a fatwa that in the present conditions, the fard and wajib salah performed on a moving train, need not be repeated later. This was attested by sixty other scholars. On the other hand, Mufti Akhtar Raza Khan Azhari Ridawi and his camp was of the opinion that the salah needs to be repeated later. This was not a major issue, because it is a newly cropped issue of jurisprudence in which difference of opinion is accepted. The scholars from Al Jamia al Ashrafia Mubarakpur, said they have nothing against Mufti Akhtar Raza Khan Azhari Ridawi as he is a certified Mufti who has full right to have a difference of opinion in a newly cropped issue of jurisprudence as long as it is as per laws of jurisprudence. Our blog has many articles and books related to this issue.

But the Akhtari camp, which is now a major source of fitna, did not remain silent! Molvi Nazir Ashraf Ridawi Nagpuri wrote a book entitled " Chalti trainon per Namaz ka Hukm " in which he expressed the same opinion as that of Mufti Akhtar Raza Khan Azhari Ridawi , that Salah performed on a moving train, even in present conditions must be repeated. But that was not all!!! In the same book, he issued a fatwa that all those scholars who hold opinion contrary to his opinion ( that is, Mufti Nizamuddin Misbahi and other scholars who say Salah need not be repeated ) are not fit to lead congregational salah and they all must do tawbah! He also said in the same fatwa that these scholars do no have any understanding of jurisprudence!

This fatwa was approved and attested by Mufti Akhtar Raza Khan Azhari Ridawi and Molvi Zia ul Mustafa Ridawi, the top brass of Akhtari cult. Once these two approved the fatwa, it was attested by more than 460 molvis supporting Akhtari camp!!!

Later, it was challenged to all of them to prove as per which principle of jurisprudence are the scholars unfit to lead congregational salah ? They were challenged time and again, in the written form, to prove their claims. Mawlana Yaseen Akhtar Misbahi published books, asking Akhtari Camp to prove their claims. But all of them,including Mufti Akhtar Raza Khan Azhari Ridawi and Molvi Zia ul Mustafa Ridawi went silent!

When we personally met some of the scholars from the list of 460 scholars, they told us that they did not even read the fatwa issued by Molvi Nazir Ashraf Ridawi Nagpuri !! They saw that it has been approved by Mufti Akhtar Raza Khan Azhari Ridawi and Molvi Zia ul Mustafa Ridawi, so they blindly signed on it!!!

Readers can see how honest is the Akhtari camp!! This issue brought such a major embarrassment to the Akhtari camp that they stopped discussing this issue altogether!! All educated people realised that there is no truth left in the Akhtari camp. They are full of ego and revenge. If they would have been true, they would have brought written proofs against the book Irfan e Mazhab . They must have brought evidence to prove that other scholars are unfit to lead congregational salah.

Readers can discuss this topic on internet and ask the followers of Molvi Zia al Mustafa to prove how the other scholars are unfit to lead congregational salah. They will never be able to prove this ! And then think about those 460 'Muftis" who attested this fatwa!!

Are we to refute these 460 "muftis' and scholars? Is it not their responsibility to prove their claims? To bring evidence to prove their allegations?

Let any follower of Mufti Akhtar Raza Khan Azhari Ridawi and Molvi Zia ul Mustafa Ridawi bring a written fatwa against the book Irfan e Mazhab wa maslak or proof that the other scholars are unfit to lead congregational salah, either by Mufti Akhtar Raza Khan Azhari Ridawi and Molvi Zia ul Mustafa Ridawi. In sha Allah, it will be replied within a week. We will not reply to fatwa of any other molvi.

Let this not be said that Mufti Akhtar Raza Khan Azhari Ridawi and Molvi Zia ul Mustafa Ridawi do not have time!! They travel all over India, taking huge nazrana and air fare for making hate speeches, so why not issue a fatwa,which won't take more than an hour?

We assure our readers that this will never happen. Because with in their hearts they have realised that they are wrong. But it is their ego which prevents them from accepting this.

Mawlana Yaseen Akhtar Misbahi has raised both the above issues in his book, which has been published and is available on our blog. He has requested for the evidence. Until Akhtari Camp brings proof, we consider them of those who are full of ego. They must remain silent.

Again, we will reply only if either Mufti Akhtar Raza Khan Azhari Ridawi or Molvi Zia ul Mustafa Ridawi reply in a written form. Why are they scared?? Others are not worth replying. Recall those 460 "muftis" !

In sha Allah,later.


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