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The Case of Obaidullah Khan Azmi

We have received many requests to write something regarding the case of Obaidullah Khan Azmi.

At first, it should be known that Obaidullah Khan Azmi is neither a scholar nor does he claim so.The media often refers to him with the title of " Mawlana". He never went for Dars E nizami course. It is said that he memorized Quran Majid,but I am not sure if he still has it in his memory. He is a Muslim who accepts and follows Sunni beliefs and practices. He is a relative of Mawlana Qamaruzzaman Khan Azmi. He was a member of parliament for around six years. Like people of all religion and sects, he too tried to raise the cause of sunni Muslims in parliament.

During those days, Mufti Akhtar Raza Khan and Molvi Zia al Mustafa had no problem in sharing stage with Obaidullah Khan Azmi. All three of them used to participate in functions together. It should be known that Mufti Akhtar Raza Khan Azhari ridawi is always known to have kept good relations with politicians. At present, Molvi Ghulam Rasul Baliyawi is a member of parliament and he is invited to speak from Akhtari stage on the occasion of Urs e Ridawi. He spoke during Urs e Ridawi 1436 AH/ Jan 2015. But the cult members were shy to upload his name or speech on the website. That is why readers will find that the website of Jamiatur raza has uploaded speech of those speakers who spoke on day 3 of Urs e Ridawi 1436AH. But Ghulam Rasul Baliyawi's name and speech are missing.Molvi Ghulam Rasul Baliyawi sits with people of all faith and wahabbis as well. The parliament has members of all faith and sect.But Akhtaris have no problem in this. This is not something new. One of the grandfather of Mufti Akhtar Raza Khan Azhari ridawi was a MLC from Congress party. In sha Allah, we will discuss this political connection some other time.

Obaidullah Khan is from the same district of Azamgarh in U.P, where the Islamic College, Al Jamia al Ashrafia Mubarakpur is situated. He is known among people for his Oration and has been delivering speeches since his youth. He was a well established orator even before becoming a member of parliament. Due to his oration skills and political connection, he was made a member of committee of Al Jamia al Ashrafia.

Molvi Zia al Mustafa as the principal of Al Jamia Al Ashrafia, Mubarakpur

Many years back Molvi Zia al Mustafa was the principal of Al Jamia al Ashrafia. As a principal Molvi Zia used to go to collect donation ( chanda) for Al Jamia al Ashrafia. Muslims give lot of donation to this Islamic college, because of its great service to Islam. The books like Fatwa Ridawiya,Jaddul Mumtar and many other books have been published for the first time, because the scholars from this institute produced copies from manuscript.

Molvi Zia al Mustafa Ridawi had a small private/personal madarsa in the village of Ghosi ( now it has become a big madarsa) , which is around 15 KM from Al Jamiatul Ashrafiia, Mubarakpur. Molvi Zia al Mustafa Ridawi used to collect donations on the name of Al Jamiatul Ashrafiia, Mubarakpur but used to siphon a part of this money for his personal madarsa. Some how Obaidullah Khan Azmi came to know this and raised his objections. It is from this incidence that the differences between Molvi Zia al Mustafa Ridawi and politician Obaidullah Khan Azmi started. Many other incidences took place which created big rift between the two and finally Obaidullah Khan spoke about the money siphoning openly in a speech. Molvi Zia al Mustafa Ridawi did not like this and demanded that Obaidullah Khan be removed from the committee. But the committee members found that Molvi Zia al Mustafa Ridawi has indeed done fraud in money collection, so they did not remove Obaidullah Khan. Molvi Zia al Mustafa Ridawi felt humiliated and quit Al Jamia al Ashrafia, due to Obaidullah Khan.

After quitting Al Jamia al Ashrafia, Molvi Zia al Mustafa Ridawi started becoming close to Mufti Akhtar Raza Khan Azhari Ridawi. Molvi Zia al Mustafa Ridawi started creating rift between scholars of Al Jamiatul Ashrafia and those scholars who were close to Mufti Akhtar Raza Khan Azhari Ridawi. Finally, Molvi Zia al Mustafa Ridawi succeeded in dividing sunni scholars in two camps, viz, Ashrafia Mubarakpur Camp and Mufti Akhtar Raza camp.

We do not wish to talk about personal life of Molvi Zia al Mustafa Ridawi. His relatives, like Mawlana Khushtar Noorani can tell us a lot about him. But, Molvi Zia Ridawi is known for foul mouth. At Urs e Ridawi 1435 AH, he made personal attack on Mawlana Yaseen Akhtar Misbahi, using words like " kala kaluta, ek aankh ka andha " ( dark, black, one eyed) from the stage of Urs e Ridawi! And now, this man gets his hands kissed and acts as a "peer e tariqat"! Tasawwuf will die, if we have people like him portarying as " peer". He is around 80, but full of mischief, fitna and ego.

Molvi Zia al Mustafa Ridawi widened the gap between Al Jmia al Ashrafia and Akhtari camp by raising the issues of " Irfan e Mazhab" and " salah on a moving train". He took Mufti Akhtar Raza Azhari Ridawi into confidence and started creating fitna in India. As a result of this fitna many things took place such as :

(1)Third grade molvis like Anees Alam Siwani Ridawi called a senior scholar like Mawlana Yaseen Akhtar Misbahi "Yazeed, Dajjal, one eyed"

(2)Molvi Nazir Ashraf Ridawi wrote that Jamia Ashrafia is being damaged by Allama Mohammad Ahmad Misbahi and Mufti Nizamuddin Misbahi.

(3)Molvi Shamshad Badayuni accused Mawlana Yaseen Akhtar Misbahi of accepting money from " bad mazhab".

(4) Molvi Hussaini Nagpuri said giving donation to Jamia Ashrafia is haram. Molvi Zia al Mustafa ridawi was present there.

(5)Molvi Anees Alam Ridawi wrote that Mufti Sharif al Haq Amjadi did not know how to issue fatwa! Molvi Zia al Mustafa distributed this book free of cost. We have discussed this issue here

These only some examples which we have presented. The scholars from Jamia Ashrafia did not use any foul language and kept on replying academically.

The Immediate Cause

In the first week of February 2015, a book entitled " Haqaiq wa Inkishaf" was released. The author is said to be close to Obaidullah Khan. The book can be read here:

The author brought many hidden facts to light, such as :

(1)When Molvi Zia al Mustafa Ridawi was the Principal of Al Jamiatul Ashrafia, Mubarakpur, he appointed his son Molvi Jamal Mustafa as a teacher in that institute. This is against the laid down rules of the institute and is a crime as per law. When Molvi Zia al Mustafa Ridawi was caught, he came with an excuse that he and his son spent the money received through monthly salary upon poor people!!

(2)In his personal madarsa at Ghosi, Molvi Zia al Mustafa ridawi appointed his maternal nephew, Molvi Mahmood Akhtar Ridawi as Principal. But this was only on paper! This continued for years and all these years Molvi Mahmood Akhtar was living in the city of Mumbai and leading salah in a masjid. He is still in Mumbai! For all these years,his forged signature on government forms, salary slip and on other documents continued ! The salary to teachers to this madarsa comes from government! The madarsa continued to receive salary, which was haram!! All this was done by Molvi Zia al Mustafa ridawi, for he is the owner of the madarsa!!!

These and many more shocking things were brought to light. We suggest reader to read this book completely to know the details of the issue.

This book made Molvi Zia al Mustafa Ridawi go wild. He held Obaidullah Khan to be behind all this. Molvi Zia al Mustafa Ridawi asked his followers to get something against politician Obaidullah Khan Azmi. The followers of Zia al Mustafa Ridawi got an old audio recording of Obaidullah Khan Azmi in which he has used words of praise for a Hindu deity called 'Ram'. The speech is available on internet.

An unknown person by the name of " Abdullah" took a part of this speech and asked question to certain " Muftis" regarding those statements in praise of Hindu deity Ram.

The reply given by unknown Muftis can be read here. We suggest readers to observe the highlighted parts carefully.

At this moment we do not wish to discuss about the use of whitener and addition of some signature on the said fatwa. But we request our readers to observe them minutely.

Analysis of the fatwa

1.One of the basic rule of issuing a fatwa is that the Mufti who issues the fatwa should write at the end: " Katabahu fulan" ( written by so and so ). Whether or not other people agree or testify to the fatwa, does not matter. In every case , the Mufti who issues the fatwa must sign with " Katabahu fulan" and his name. The one who issues the fatwa is then said " Mufti". Those who testify/ agree to the fatwa are called " Musaddiq". We do not know who issued the fatwa but we can see many names among " musaddiqeen".

This is such a simple thing that any one who has had a simple training under a certified Mufti knows it! But alas, this fatwa does not have the name of the Mufti who issued it !!! Forget the real name, it does not have even a forged name!!! Some translators on internet who act as "muftis" should take a note of this.

(2)The questioner has made a question with reference to " an individual" ( ek shakhs). The reply too is with the usage of " such an individual ( aisa shakhs) is outside the fold of Islam. To use this fatwa upon a specific Muslim is against the rules of Fiqh. It is known to all students of fiqh ( except translators) that to say that such and such specific individual is outside the fold of Islam, a clear fatwa with the the name of Individual is a must.

( 3) Obaidullah Khan Azmi is still alive and claims to have stated the reason behind his utterances of those words. Ala Hazrat Imam Ahmad Raza Rh has said it is WAJIB to use even 1 excuse of Iman , even if there are 99 reasons which apparently shown kufr . This is in Fatwa Ridawiyyah. More so, the speaker is alive and himself states the reason.

The Fatwa from Al Jamia Ashrafia Mubarakpur

Obaidullah Khan took the fatwa which was issued for " an individual" ( ek shakhs) and sent it to the Darul Ifta of Al Jamia al Ashrafia. He mentioned his speech in the question and said that these words were said by him on such and such occasion due to such and such reason.

A Fatwa was issued by Mufti Nizamudddin Misbahi. The fatwa is called " Sahih Fatwa ". It can be read here :

Now, the Akhtari camp was again in trouble. They know very well, the width and depth of Mufti Nizamuddin Misbahi's knowledge of jurisprudence. Mufti Akhtar Raza Khan Azhari Ridawi or Molvi Zia al Mustafa Ridawi could have done one of these things:

(1)They could have issued a specific fatwa with name of Obaidullah Khan, stating that he has gone outside the fold of Islam. ( Obaidullah Khan has now agreed in writing that he spoke those words).

Question : Why Mufti Akhtar Raza Khan Azhari Ridawi or Molvi Zia al Mustafa Ridawi have not issued a specific fatwa till now?

(2)Mufti Akhtar Raza Khan Azhari Ridawi or Molvi Zia al Mustafa Ridawi could have refuted the fatwa of Mufti Nizamuddin Misbahi,if his fatwa was wrong.

Question: Why Mufti Akhtar Raza Khan Azhari Ridawi or Molvi Zia al Mustafa Ridawi have not yet refused the fatwa of Mufti Nizamuddin Misbahi?

We will let our readers know the fact! Both,Mufti Akhtar Raza Khan Azhari Ridawi and Molvi Zia al Mustafa Ridawi made allegations that the book Irfan e Mazhab wa Maslak ( Author: Mawlana Yaseen Akhtar Misbahi) is against sunni belief. They both also agreed to a fatwa that those scholars who say that salah performed on a moving train need not be performed again, are not fit to lead congregational salah. When Mawlana Yaseen Akhtar Misbahi wrote, that those who have accused him of writing a book against sunni belief either prove their allegations in writing with shari'i evidence or they themselves should do tawba, then Mufti Akhtar Raza Khan Azhari Ridawi and Molvi Zia al Mustafa Ridawi disappeared! They could never do this !

Similarly, when scholars asked Mufti Akhtar Raza Khan Azhari Ridawi and Molvi Zia al Mustafa Ridawi to prove as to how scholars who hold a different opinion regarding salah performed on a moving train, are not fit to lead salah, they both again remained answerless.

So what did the Akhtari cult do? They took help of their " B" team ( Molvi Shamshad Ridawi, Molvi Nazir Ashraf Ridawi and Baharaich group ) to tackle the issue raised by Mawlana Yaseen Akhtar Misbahi! We have discussed this issue of Akhtari " B team" at this link

Critics of Mufti Nizamuddin Misbahi's fatwa

As we have mentioned above, when Akhtari cult faces problem it asks its " B team" to help them. So even in this case, Molvi Shamshad Ridawi and Baharaichi group was asked to tackle the case of Obaidullah Khan Azmi.

The Fatwa from Baharaich group entitled " Sahih wa bar haq fatwa"

Fatwa from Molvi Shamshad Badayuni Ridawi

We have mentioned in detail about " Bahariach group" and Molvi Shamshad Ridawi at the below link. Readers can read to know more about them. Also read, how 460 "muftis" approved a wrong fatwa,without reading, just because Mufti Akhtar Raza Khan Azhari Ridawi and Molvi Zia al Mustafa Ridawi had approved it .

We would have replied in detail, if Mufti Akhtar Raza Khan Azhari Ridawi or Molvi Zia al Mustafa Ridawi would have done one of these two things:

(1) Issued a specific written fatwa with name on Obaidullah Khan Azmi , OR

(2)Issued a written fatwa refuting the fatwa of Mufti Nizamuddin Misbahi.

Our Reply

Since,Akhtari cult has not done any of these things, we do not want to reply, especially when our exams are going. However, we attach a short reply from our end,for Akhtari cult and hope they will forward it to their cult leaders ( if not, we will anyways do that!!) because the champions of Akhtari cult on internet, do not understand Fatwa Ridawiyya!

Our reply has a reference from Fatwa Ridawiyya. We attach that reference here for the ease of our readers.

Fatwa Ridawiyya: Old Edition ( 12 Vols) : Vol 6- page 141 to 142

Fatwa Ridawiyya: New Edition ( 30 Vols) : Vol 14, page 656 to 658

We hope internet champions and translatos will read and understand this. If they can't understand, they must forward it to their leaders to grasp the matter.

In sha Allah, more later.


  1. Jazak Allah Khairan for sharing the historical background of the episode. Most scholars agree that Zia al Mustafa is the real kingpin behind this controversy.

  2. It’s deplorable to see that you have portrayed Allama Ziaul Mustafa Sb as real kingpin behind this controversy so easily. In reality its other way round. Unfortunately Ashrafia is not anymore what Huzoor Hafiz-e-Millat Alihir Rahma has dreamed of. It’s being ruled now by selfish, rude and greedy Ulema and Mifti who are busy fulfilling their own desire. They are not honest, sympathetic to Islam and the Ummah. They will support anyone where they see their own personal benefit. What is right or wrong doesn’t bother them. My question is did Allama Zaiul Mustafa Sb. told Obaidullah Kahan to go out and admire Hindu gods? Hasn’t he (Obadullah) got any brain) that’s it’s not right? Has he forgotten the education all Ala Hazrat, Shadrus Sharia and Huzoor Hafiz –e- Millat Alhir Rahma?
    He has acted unislamically and unprofessionally. So he should be condemned and he should obey the Alims and Muftis hence their fatwa.

    1. Zia al Mustafa is known by most of the scholars to be the real fitna monger in this and many other controversy. We have shown many such proofs on this blog. In case you have missed, here are a few examples

      You will get more proof if you search this blog.

      Regarding, your comment about Al Jamiatul Ashrafia Mubarakpur, I am sorry to say that you have not provided any evidence to back up your claim. This is a typical Akhtari trait. If you can bring proof, we will insha Allah reply.

      Regarding Obaidullah Khan's speech, read a detailed book and listen to a speech my Hazrat Mufti Nizamuddin Sahab Rizvi Misbahi at the below links

  3. Abe sab se baray fitney baz to mujhay tum lagtey ho...


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