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Mufti Akhtar Raza Ridawi Azhari at Ram Leela Ground, Delhi

We posted an article on 14 February 2015 regarding an Akhtari cult conference which was scheduled on 1 March 2015.

On 13 March 2015 our friend Noori, a mureed of Mufti Akhtar Raza Khan Azhari Ridawi has replied to this article. The original article and Noori’s reply can be read here

In this article we will discuss issues related with this conference.

Akhtari cult released a poster for this function. We call this poster 1. Here is the poster

Out of the many personalities mentioned on this poster we discussed two; namely Muhammad Owais Raza Quadri and Shaikh Mahmood Affandi (Mahmud Effendi) of Turkey in our article. The objections against Shaikh Mahmood Affandi were:

1. He often shares stage with leading deobandi scholars across the globe and accepts awards bestowed by the deobandi scholars. In 2013 deobandis bestowed the annual “Imam Muhammad Qasim Nanotwi Award” to Shaykh Mahmud Effendi.

2. A few years back Shaykh Mahmud Effendi declared Qasim Nanotvi to be the mujaddid of the fourteenth century.

3. Shaykh Mahmud Effendi has written an eighteen volume Turkish tafsir called Ruh al-Furqan. On page 724 of Volume 4 of this tafsir he cites the treatise of Zakariyya Kandhalawi (of Tablighi Jamaat) on the beard and introduces him as "Imam, Muhaddith and Allama." At the same page he also cites Ashraf Ali Thanwi as "Shaykh al-Masha'ikh".

We wrote that since Shaykh Mahmud Effendi is not from the Indian Subcontinent and does not read Urdu language it is possible that he was unaware of the heresy (kufr) of deobandi scholars. Because of this ignorance, he must be given benefit of doubt regarding his praise for the deobandi scholars.

During September 2014 Mufti Akhtar Raza Azhari Ridawi went to meet Shaykh Mahmud Effendi in Turkey and now in March 2015 Shaykh Mahmud Effendi was invited to attend a function organized by followers of Mufti Akhtar Raza Azhari Ridawi.

Our contention was that since Mufti Akhtar Raza Azhari Ridawi has met Shaykh Mahmud Effendi, the former must have informed the latter about the kufr of the deobandi elders. And if that is the case then the latter must declare that his writings in praise of deobandi elders are no longer his view and he too considers deobandi elders to be kafir. Without this declaration, it would not be correct to invite Shaykh Mahmud Effendi on the stage.

We sent this message to all the close aides of Mufti Akhtar Raza Azhari Ridawi. The members of the Akhtari cult became aware and released a second poster in which Shaykh Mahmud Effendi’s name was missing! We call this poster 2. Here is the poster

We raised one more issue in our article. We said that Shaykh Mahmud Effendi attends function in which his lectures and gatherings are recorded on video. There are hundreds of YouTube video in which Shaykh Mahmud Effendi al Naqshbandi can be seen. Mufti Akhtar Raza Azhari Ridawi has declared digital photography to be forbidden (haram) and his followers are not only inviting a person who commits this haram act openly but giving him respect in a religious function! We asked regarding the shari’i ruling concerning giving respect to a person who commits a sin openly and hence is a fasiq?

Noori, like other Akhtaris has quietly avoided this question. But to our amusement the Akhtaris have released a travelogue in which the meeting which took place between Mufti Akhtar Raza Azhari Ridawi and Shaykh Mahmud Effendi (September 2014) is mentioned. We do not know what transpired in that meeting, but the official release by the Akhtari cult states:

As we entered the Shaykh’s room, we saw that he was sat on a chair peacefully and without any care of the world and its surroundings, with a Tasbih in his hands, he was engrossed in the remembrance of Allah. Rays of Noor were emanating from his face.

Masha Allah!! Rays of Noor emanating from the face of a Naqshbandi shaykh whose speeches are recorded in his presence!! (Remember as per Mufti Akhtar Raza Azhari Ridawi and his cult, digital photography of every sort is haram (forbidden)!

Before we discuss Noori’s reply, it would be interesting if we analyze the two posters released by the Akhtari cult for this occasion. One thing has to be kept in mind that many small Akhtari groups too released poster for this occasion. But they were not considered official release since they were not released by the organizers.

The two official posters do not contain any image of the dome (gumbad) of Ala Hazrat Imam Ahmad Raza rahmatullah alayh. The slogan of “maslak e Ala Hazrat “is missing from both the posters! But why? Indian Muslims must be aware that dome of Ala Hazrat and the slogan “maslak e ala hazrat “are hall marks of Akhtari cult. Be it the mawlid celebration or the celebration related with Shaykh Abdul Qadir radiaallahu anhu, unless these two things are present on the poster, the Akhtaris do not accept the organizers to be Sunni!

The reason is that New Delhi, where the function was organized has a thin population of Akhtari cult. The Akhtari cult wanted to fool the main stream Ahlus sunnah population by presenting this function as an event organized by the main stream ahlus sunnah, hence they avoided both the things! And for the first time they used the term “sawad e azam” on their poster!! It is on historical record that the Akhtari cult uses the term “ahlus sunnah wal jamah” only when facing danger. Otherwise they insist ‘ maslak e ala hazrat’ ! We have discussed this issue in which Mufti Akhtar Raza Azhari Ridawi when held by the Saudi Wahabbis , did not use even for once the term “ maslak e ala hazrat’, but kept on saying ‘ ahlus sunnah”. Today in India, he and his followers insist on using “maslak e ala hazrat”. It can be read here

In sha Allah we will discuss this poster politics in some other article.

The case of Muhammad Owais Raza Quadri

Muhammad Owais Raza Quadri is a world famous Naat Khwan from Pakistan. He has a huge fan following across the globe. His participation in any public event ensures that the event will be attended by thousands and thousands of youth. His videos can be seen on YouTube. Both the posters released by the Akhtari cult for the March 1 function had the name of Muhammad Owais Raza Quadri in bold letters.

The question we raised in our article was that since Muhammad Owais Raza Quadri comes on TV Channel and his functions are recorded on video, which is an act of haram (forbidden) as per Mufti Akhtar Raza Azhari Ridawi, then how come his followers invite and honour a person who commits this haram act openly? Noori and other Akhtari friends have quietly ignored this legal issue!

The lie of Akhtari cult

We have mentioned earlier that the city of Delhi has a thin population of Akhtari cult .In order to pull crowd the organizers from the Akhtari cult mentioned the name of Muhammad Owais Raza Quadri on the poster. But fifteen days prior to the function when Muhammad Owais Raza Quadri was contacted in Pakistan he clearly said that he has not received any invitation from India for 1st March 2015. He made it clear that he has not been even asked before using his name on a poster in India.
In our article we hinted that as per our calculation Muhammad Owais Raza Quadri will not be attending the function because only fifteen days are left and his visa has not been applied for. But giving a benefit of doubt and keeping good opinion about the organizers we said that may be the organizers will apply visa in the remaining 15 days.

The function was scheduled for 1st March 2015 .Just one day before the event that is 28th Feb 2015, the organizers made an official press announcement in which it was mentioned that famous Naat Khwan Muhammad Owais Raza Quadri is sure to attend the event . This official announcement was covered in the Urdu daily newspaper, Inquilab, page 3, dated 28 Feb 2015, New Delhi edition. We have presented an image of this news article. The truth being that the Akhtari organizers never applied for Muhammad Owais Raza Quadri’s visa! They kept on lying till the last day! On the day of the event when they were contacted they continue with their lie saying for Muhammad Owais Raza Quadri has landed in the city of Mumbai and will soon be arriving at Delhi! May Allah save the ummah from liars! Ameen!

The function

The function was a huge flop as Allah ta’ala sent His mercy in the form of rain! The venue ground was filled with water. The place behind the stage was filled with water up to knee deep. The fitna monger molvis like nazir ashraf ridawi, akhtar hussain ridawi aleemi and others could not speak! But the chief fitna monger, molvi zia al Mustafa ridawi did speak and spew venom. Before the function the Akhtaris were boasting of filling the venue ground with “ghulaman e tajusshariah” but hardly 5,000 people were present as the rain came pouring down! But if you will ask Akhtaris they will exaggerate the crowd figure as is their hall mark!

Readers must be aware about the exaggeration technique used by the Akhtari cult members. On the occasion of Urs e Ridawi 1436 AH (Jan 2015), the maximum crowd which was present at the time of dua was around 2 to 2.5 lakhs (200000 to 250000). Times of India, an Indian English daily published the figure as 25 lakhs (2500000) forgetting the decimal point between 2 and 5. Now the Akhtari cult members started boasting this false figure and claiming that during Hajj 2014, the crowd present was 20 lakh (2000000), and at Urs e Ridawi the crowd was more than that!!! These cult members do not have any idea of crowd and they are often seen giving exaggerated figure. Even their elders do not know how to estimate the total population of the crowd at any gathering. We have discussed this funny technique of Akhtari cult members at this link

The next day when the Akhtari cult released an official press release it said the function was presided over by Mufti Muhammad Samar Mian Dehlavi al Naqshbandi. [The Urdu daily, Inquilab, page 3, dated 02 March 2015, New Delhi edition]. Readers might be amused to know that how can a person whose name was no where mentioned on any of the posters, is presiding over the function? The fact is that people started raising questions that if the function is being organized in Delhi, why is that no scholar from Delhi has been invited in it. Why is that all the scholars are from outside Delhi? Akhtaris were exposed! People came to know that this function is to attack Sunni scholars living in Delhi! In order to save their face, Akhtari cult invited Mufti Muhammad Samar Mian Dehlavi al Naqshbandi, who lives in Delhi. But poor Akhtaris did not given him a chair to sit on the stage, so he left the function without even sitting for a while! The shrewd Akhtaris gave his name in the newspaper as the scholar who presided over the function.

Noori’s Reply

Having read what is stated above; we will now draw the attention of our readers towards the reply given by Noori. It must be made clear that from my end people (including Noori) were informed about this event through an e-mail on 14 Feb 2015 that is 14 days prior to the event. I don’t know if the brother checked the e-mail or not, but has chosen to reply it on 13 March 2015, that is twelve days after the event, when it is clear that neither Shaykh Mahmood Effendi nor Muhammad Owais Raza Quadri attended the event.

Noori wrote
the writer has repeatedly mentioned Huzoor Tajush Shari’ah (Allah preserve him) and has held him accountable for many such things that he was unaware of. The writer himself has admitted that the attendance of Huzoor Tajush Shari’ah was not confirmed.

The attendance of Mufti Akhtar Raza Khan Ridawi Azhari was not confirmed because of his health issue. Now coming to the first point, that Mufti Akhtar Raza Ridawi Azhari was unaware of many such things. Everyone knows that Mufti Akhtar Raza Ridawi Azhari is not aware of the day to day happenings in India or rest of the world unless informed by his followers because he has lost his complete eye sight and can hardly listen properly unless spoken on microphone or in loud voice .Now the question is how does he come to know which gathering to attend and which not? How does he decide if the invitees are sunni or non-sunni? The answer is that all these information is given to him by his son Molvi Asjad Raza Ridawi and close aide such as Molvi Zia al Mustafa Ridawi and others. In spite of these physical defects Mufti Akhtar Raza Ridawi Azhari is called “ Qadi al Qudat fil Hind” ( Chief Islamic Justice of India)! Whereas the fact is that as per shari ruling such a person cannot hold this post. This issue was discussed here

Mufti Akhtar Raza Ridawi Azhari is called Qadi al Qudat fil Hind in his presence to which he has no objection. The poster released by his cult members often bears this title in bold letters.

Noori has failed to explain what were those ‘things’ of which Mufti Akhtar Raza Ridawi Azhari was unaware of? To make this claim that Mufti Akhtar Raza Ridawi Azhari participates in a religious function without ascertaining the belief and authenticity of the organizers, is an attack on Mufti Akhtar Raza Ridawi Azhari! If he was not informed about the organizers and the participants (this excuse is not at all acceptable), then whose fault it is?? Readers should know that Mufti Akhtar Raza Ridawi Azhari does not participate in any religious function unless he ascertains that the organizers and participants agree to his views and methodology.
But this excuse given by Noori is nothing new! In July 2009, Molvi Zia al Mustafa Ridawi participated in a religious gathering in which many non muslims and wahabis were present on the stage. This was brought to light by Khushtar Noorani, a relative of Zia al Mustafa Ridawi! When Zia al Mustafa Ridawi was exposed he came out with a lame excuse saying he was unaware that wahabbis would join the function! The whole issue was discussed here

We fail to understand that Mufti Akhtar Raza Ridawi Azhari was “unaware” of which things? And if that is the case, then whose responsibility is it? If Akhtaris say that Mufti Akhtar Raza Ridawi Azhari was unaware that Shaykh Mahmood Effendi and Muhammad Owais Raza Quadri are invited then, this is not at all unacceptable. When Mufti Akhtar Raza Ridawi Azhari can travel to Turkey in order to meet Shaykh Mahmood Effendi, why not meet in India?

Noori wrote
The writer revealed through his document the supposed motive of Mawlana Shahabuddin and Mawlana Shu’ayb Raza behind organising the conference. We are unaware of what the real situation actually is.

If people living in USA are unaware about Shahabuddin ridawi’s political interest and affiliation then an easy way to find out is to call Mohalla Saudagaran in Bareilly or any senior Ridawi molvi in India. They all know that molvi Shahabuddin ridawi is a political man, who tried to get a Congress party ticket from the Baharaich constituency but was denied.

Noori wrote
The attendance of the scholars of Ahl al-Sunnah was solely upon the basis that it is a Sunni conference. They fully refuted Sulh-kulliyat and persuaded the public to stay firm upon the methodology [Maslak] of Ahl e Sunnat Wa Jama’at. Huzoor Tajush Shari’ah, briefly in a few words, also placed emphasis on abstaining from Sulh-kulliyat and expressed his unawareness too.

Perhaps Noori is unaware that when Mufti Akhtar Raza Ridawi Azhari and Molvi Zia al Mustafa Ridawi use the term ‘ Sulh Kulli’ they do not mean the real Sulh Kullis [ whom we the ahlus sunnah consider as deviant and outside ahlus sunnah] but Sunni scholars like Mawlana Yaseen Akhtar Misbahi! Noori should listen to the speeches of Molvi Zia al Mustafa Ridawi ( at Urs e Ridawi 1435) in which he accused Mawlana Yaseen Akhtar Misbahi of propagating Sulh Kulliyat through his book Irfan e Mazahab wa Maslak. At other places Mufti Akhtar Raza Ridawi Azhari too has accused Sunni scholars of propagating Sulh Kulliyat ! The Akhtari cult organized this event in Delhi because Mawlana Yaseen Akhtar Misbahi lives in Delhi and the Akhtaris wanted to attack him, as they have been doing it since past couple of years. But Allah spoilt their plan!
In his recent speech Mufti Akhtar Raza Ridawi Azhari has accused Dawat e Islami to be an offshoot of Jamaat e Islami . He said also that people of Dawat e Islami perform salah behind badmazhab. The speech can be heard here:

If Noori or any other followers of Mufti Akhtar Raza Ridawi Azhari has any truth left in their heart then they should either prove the claims of their leader Mufti Akhtar Raza Ridawi Azhari or ask him to do public tawba .

Noori wrote
Shaykh Mahmood Affendi has reached that phase in life where one cannot ask him anything. The one close to him, Shaykh Jabbali has expressed his hatred towards Qasim Nanotwi and other Deobandis, and he has expressed his agreement and devotion with A’la Hazrat in creed [Aqa’id]. Thus whatever the writer has penned regarding Shaykh Mahmood Affendi, from it there can be no accusation levelled against Huzoor Tajush Shari’ah.

And what do you say about Shaykh Nazim Kibrisi and his utterances in old age? As per which rule of shariah do you say that a person has become unaccountable for his acts before he has died? The praise of Deobandi scholars by Shaykh Mahmood Affendi is present in his books. His having received award from deobandis is present on internet. How does view of Shaykh Jabbali matter?
There are many Khalifa of Mufti Akhtar Raza Ridawi Azhari who live in Sri Lanka and come to India to share stage with politicians like Asiduddin owaisi, mureeds who share stage with followers of Hisham Kabbani in Srilanka and mureeds who openly come on TV channels and get their speeches recorded on video. Do they represent the view of Mufti Akhtar Raza Ridawi Azhari??
One of the common things between Mufti Akhtar Raza Ridawi Azhari and his followers is accusation and foul language! Mufti Akhtar Raza Ridawi Azhari accuses sunni scholars to be sulh kulli and when asked to prove, uses foul language ( see the above audio clip regarding dawat e islami). His followers unable to justify their action start calling people as ‘ hijra’!

Noori wrote
Additionally, the exegesis [Tafsir] mentioned, neither we nor our Shaykh has seen it. If the writer wishes, in this regard, to take up the matter by investigating, then he should contact the followers of Shaykh Mahmood Affendi present in Turkey

Subhan Allah! Qadi al Qudat fil Hind [Islamic Chief Justice of India] goes to Turkey to meet a scholar who has praised certain heretical scholars from India out of ignorance. But the responsibility to inform about heresies of these Indian scholars is not upon Qadi al Qudat fil Hind but an ordinary muslim!!
Did Mufti Akhtar Raza Ridawi Azhari inform Shaykh Mahmood Affendi about the kufr of deobandi scholars? (Yes or No)? If No, why? Was it not his responsibility especially when Shaykh Mahmood Effendi has praised deobandi scholars and Mufti Akhtar Raza Ridawi Azhari acts as Qadi al Qudat fil Hind?.If yes, has Shaykh Mahmood Affendi signed Hussam al Harmain? If No, why? Akhtaris should know that this meeting will be questioned again and again!

Noori wrote
and if he desires to express hatred from his heart through fictitious words, he is free and may say whatever he wishes.

Alhamdulillah, whatever we have stated is with proof and sound reasoning. We are not in a habit of using fictitious words. But your shaykh certainly is ! Listen here

Noori wrote
Another important point is that there was no plan whatsoever to call Huzoor Tajush Shari’ah a Mujaddid.
It was not stated that he will be called so at this very function. It was said this event is a step towards it.

Noori wrote
An additional responsibility upon the writer is that he should ask the organisers why they included the names of those who would not be able to attend.

Noori must not have thought before writing this! Writer and the Sunni population of India are well aware about the lying and marketing tactics used by the Akhtaris. The responsibility is upon Mufti Akhtar Raza Ridawi Azhari and his cult to stop fooling people. The organizing committee included son in law of Mufti Akhtar Raza Ridawi Azhari.


  1. I looked to the page 724 of Volume 4 of Ruh al Furqan and I didn't see such a thing, it was the index !

    Do you even have this tafsir ?

    1. the person who wrote this blog. you are from shaytaan. your father is iblees.

  2. I have correct answers to your doubts and queations:
    1. Video is haraam. However, in some countries where due to security concerns of government, it is government mandate. Thus, cant be avoided. Due to this, many Sunni Sahi ul Aqeeda or what you call Akhtari Cult MuazAllahirrabbil Aalameen , appear o videos.
    2. Deobandi thing is a deoband village level tiny thing that is hidden in most parts of the world except Indian and Pakistan, so Sheikh might not knew about it.
    3. Tafaseer of Sheikh are using asnaad of wahabis because according to Hazrat Ali, listen to what he said but not who said.

    For further removing your doubts, recite Surah Wannaas in abundance!


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